Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

I had completely ungainly problems with my Mighty Mouse. At the outset of the installation process, I faced a huge screen that was telling me to replace the batteries in the mouse. Never mind that the mouse was working fine under 10.4 and that the batteries were fairly new. I changed them anyway. Installation proceeded. After install, on restart, the Bluetooth manager showed up and bitched about my not having a mouse it could find. I tried a few things, none of which worked, then replaced the batteries again with the ones I had in originally. Now it works. That's just funky.
I've asked Roxio, Maintain, and Propagandaprod. about compatibility with Leopard and received only this response from Maintain re: Cocktail:


Thank you very much for your email. Cocktail (Tiger Edition) is not compatible with Mac OS X 10.5. Cocktail 4.0 (Leopard Edition) will be released later this year.


Kristofer Szymanski
Safari 2.0.4 crashes on launch and it appears that unlike previous versions of the OS, an updated Safari didn't install automagically. I haven't yet looked to see if there's a new version with Leopard, but I'm more than a little ticked that I have to mess with this.

Safari 3.0.4 installs with Leopard.
I have just installed Leopard and find that I have problems with safari and in particular Yahoo mail running in safari it keeps asking me to log in, additionally 1passwd doesn't present in safari, everything seems OK in firefox. Has anyone any ideas?
I have just installed Leopard and find that I have problems with safari and in particular Yahoo mail running in safari it keeps asking me to log in, additionally 1passwd doesn't present in safari, everything seems OK in firefox. Has anyone any ideas?

I was having some annoying problems where I would keep getting logged out of websites. So far so good after the keychain update, but I also reset Safari, and I wouldn't think that keychain had much to do with keeping me logged in, only for saved passwords.
Cannot get Disk Utility"s First Aid to complete a cycle of either "Verify" or "Repair Disk Permissions" to complete a cycle. Both run endlessly, and require a manual "stop" to exit out. Disk Utility worked fine in Tiger.
Installed Leopard on external hard drive.
Word works fine, safari, mail, mail factory, dislabeler, launchbar, quicken2007, audiohijack pro (without instant hijack which needs APE), acrobat7 works, had trouble with photoshopcs2 (but that could be license problem rather than program).PTH pasteboard works, CITRIX works (thank goodness). I have no problem with audiobook builder. Or with printer setups(HP laserjet5, Canon MP600 - haven't tried the scanner part- or iP90) or with Perfection 1650 photo scanner setup. FontDoctorX is ok. Marine Aquarium 2.6 works as does Earthdesk. Still checking. Will get back with other programs.
BTW, Any one have netbarrier and virusscan up and working? Can't find a thing about its compatibility on the site.
Cannot get Disk Utility"s First Aid to complete a cycle of either "Verify" or "Repair Disk Permissions" to complete a cycle. Both run endlessly, and require a manual "stop" to exit out. Disk Utility worked fine in Tiger.

I had the same problem and then I decided to run the app. and just walk away and let it run. It took about 10 to 15 minutes for it to do a repair permissions or verify. That was on a 250 gig internal hard drive.
Originally Posted by promacmor1
The problem that happens sometimes when I am in a internet site for awhile and then I try to open another application and I get the spinning wheel for that application but when I try to force quit the computer will not do so. I tried to wait awhile but the wheel kept spinning. So I have to press the power button to reset the computer. One time when I was in the internet and tried to switch to an open application I got a scrolling gray screen telling me to press the power switch to reset the computer.

My experience...

Same thing happened after I loaded Leopard on my MacPro Quad Xeon. It happened four times over a 5 hour period--a couple times when using Spaces, and then without spaces when I had multiple programs opened. I have done the same exact multi-tasking in Tiger and never had a problem.

I have never had the MacPro do that before Leopard--the spinning wheel and Force Quit wouldn't work and I had to use the power button to shut down.

I also had some programs refuse to accept my user password to make changes, then an update came through early this morning to fix something in the password chain and it worked fine after that.

Joe, if you have the order number, log online or your email to see the reference numbers for UPS or whatever is delivering it, then check from their website. Sometimes they try to deliver but don't even leave a note...
InDesign CS3. Upon opening a document i got the error: "LibXml: Document not parsed successfully"

Anyone know what that is?

Also looks like a few of my widgets will need upgrading... fonts have changed on them, some are all messed up - DashMail for example...

Otherwise, the pros vastly outweigh the cons! The thing is sexxxy!
My CS3 apps are all fine -- but they should be. My MacBook Pro is ten months old, has 2 gb of memory and gets weekly software updates and other maintenance. Gotta say so far, that Leopard has also been very good about installing a new photo-quality printer and monitor calibrator just today.

OTOH, it's not been so nice to our 1.25-ghz upgraded Cube (video-card issue, maybe, although it's not running the 6200 that we know to be incompatible). And, taking that Cube back down to Tiger has done something funky to its networking skills. It only wants to look for the other machines over IP and doesn't want us to turn on AppleTalk!
I am having major problems with mail. I am running a macbook pro and just had a new hardrive installed and a fresh copy of tiger. I upgraded to leopard and now I am unable to open mail. The program opens but if I try to open an individual email the mail closes. It give me a "mail closed un-expectedly " error message. I tried re-installing a new copy rather than upgrading and this doesnt help. I have also insalled from the same disk on to my wifes mac and mail works fine on her macbook.


Given the number of serious System Leopard compatibility issues reported here, the MacFixit website, and others, is the magnitude of the problem sufficient to consider this [situation] to be a compatibility crisis?

Anyone know if there's a System Leopard compatibility chart, either published or being contemplated?

Thanks for all the hard work being accomplished on MacOSX.com.
so far I haven't experience any major problems in leopard with my macbook. The only real problem is that my Lacie 500 gig HD won't show up. It does show up on my powerbook G4 running Tiger though. However, leopard has sped up the overall performance of my macbook and I am very satisfied with it.

I also installed leopard on my Tibook 667 with 512MB of RAM and noticed a significant increase in performance as well. Likewise, however, my Lacie HD will not show up on the Tibook either.