Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

Originally posted by karavite
Ah, memories of my Quadra 660 AV, perhaps the coolest machine Apple ever released (for its time). I absolutely loved mine and I am baffled why Apple dumped the S-Video ins, telephony features and other stuff that made that machine so damn cool it caused *all* my then Windows freinds to gawk, mumble and yearn for a machine like mine. I sold mine years ago and wonder where it is now. Happy, I hope...

Oh, I am sure it is. And keeping someone else happy as well. They really were terrific little computers. I have 2, keep one running telephony stuff (fax, voice mail, speakerphone) and internet stuff and another that I do mobile sound and some NetBSD "research" on. Yeah, the built-in S-Video and composite video truly were outstanding achievements. Hard to believe Macs were that far ahead! I was very disappointed when they ditched those ports on the B&W G3 – but I guess Firewire makes up for that ;) Now all I need are one of those Firewire DV bridges so I can fill my new 80GB drive up with useless video
Hey thedbp!

It's true. Although the G4s, dual processors, DVD RAM... are all beautiful machines, I personally have yet to get as excited about a new Mac like I did when the Quadra 660AV and 880AV came out. Although I sold mine after about two years, the machine was perfectly suited to everything I needed to do, but I always sell my Macs when I can get about half of what I paid for them. Hmm, anybody need a G4 450? (kidding)

If Apple could match or top the *relative* (to the times) level of innovation in those AV machines, that would be something (for me OS X 10.1 was close, but different). I think that was the same year as the Newton (had one of those too) - pretty amnazing times when you think about it, especially when you look at what Microsoft/Intel was putting out in 1994 and 1995! Maybe Apple felt it was burned by trying out too many new things at once? Of course, the new G4s are damn impressive "AV" machines too, but I miss making my computer my answering machine (with almost zero effort)! I'm glad to hear you are still getting a lot of work out of those 660 AVs. Good luck!
Most people who like PCs won't change their mind about Macs no matter how much you reason with them because they would have to admit that they were wrong.

This article will explain it better

I didn't find it so the credit should go to whoever originally posted it

