Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

With Respect to Bill Gates, I know many people dont like him, but to me the Man is a genius, to do what he has done in his life time and accomplish what he has done is a wonderfull thing.

I know many of you lot will not agree with what i say. I live in england and come under a severe battering for supporting Michael Schumacher because he is a German. I couldnt care a less that he is a German or that he use Heavy handed tactics, the man is still a genius in his field and should be respected no matter what for his accomplishments.

but thats just my opinion.
Hmm...I like Michael, but I like Ralph Schumacher even more...maybe because I met him once at the Hockenheim Ring (it's close to where I live) and he was really nice to me even doing a bit small-talk with me ;)

Bill Gates is a genius, for sure. Microsoft is a good company. They know how to earn money, and that's what a company has to do. People don't have to like it. Seriously, I also dislike the way Microsoft sometimes earns it's money. I like Apple. Apple is brave enough to be revolutionary all the time! They have failed with it more than one. MORE THAN ONCE. The Cube beeing the latest error, but that's what the Mac community loves them for.

Every company has a soul, and it's up to everyone of us if we like this "soul". I would never seriously say that a company is "bad".

A company which earns money can't be bad, else, it would be bankrupt.
Microsoft is at the point where it soon (within the next five years) has to let go from it's OS. With "it's OS", I mean it's Win95/WinNT roadmap which still exists in the WinXP/WinXP Pro. They are still using "old" technology, updated to modern standards.

Apple, for example, dared to completely discontinue an OS architecture they used for nearly 20 years now (allthough the step from 68K to PowerPC was similar)...with all the problems which might arise by this. Micrsoft did a similar thing - allthough not that drastic - when they released a new driver architecture with Win2K. This could be the doom of Apple. They could go on like always. They could gain more influence, who knows.

I was in the PC community when Win95 was released. Most "professionals" claimed that this step, away from an existing OS (Windows 3.11) would be the death of Microsoft.

We all know why we use Macs.
I think that it really doesn't come down to the current state in the processor world.

A few yoers down the road, which instructin set would you rather be developing for: x86 or PPC?

I know that these are basically the oppisite doctrines in coding. Can PC's still maintain their speed lead (yes I will admit.) as the clock speeds climb higher and higher. x86 procs are already running very hot, will they have to back off of higher speeds, or will they have some kind of new techincal advance. To my knowlege there are no P4 notebooks. Reason: Heat.

Right now I know that if I was going to go for sheer speed I wouldn't buy a mac. Years down the road will that still be true?

Macs may be slower right now, but I feel like so far the PPC has been done the right way, and has not strayed from the proper path in order to take advantage of a technologically dumb public. Possibly the PPC has more life in it because it runs with lower heat, gets more done per clock cycle, and has an (arguable) better advance instuction set.

With the itanium faltering, possibly the tables will be turning soon. The G5 looks like its going to be on a development fast track, and a possible (longshot) byout by Apple or IBM would put the PPC platform in good hands.

The future looks bright for the PPC can the same be said for x86?

I'm not trying to pursuade you to advocate PPC, I'm just asking for some info on x86 because no matter how much I try I'm obviously going to be skewed torwards the mac and PPC.:cool:

ulrik - I've always just figured that they stay hidden in some super secret rooms at universities and people bring them their food. most don't require sleep and no one would understand their vocabulary if they did have contact with other humans. :D

hmm, there may be some truth to that last one;)

frgmstr - Hitler was a genius too. Genius alone is not a measure of respect. It is what you do with that genius and how you do it that counts. Bill Gates was once a hero. At one point in time, i'm guessing you were still wearing diapers or maybe just learning to ride your first bike, he was in a position to be someone truly great. But the day IBM knocked on his door and he said "come on in", he sold his soul. This is perhaps the single most thing i respect about Steve Jobs - win or lose, he kept his ideals. He didn't join forces with an evil monopoly and big brother mentality. he passed up an opportunity to be what Bill Gates is today. I don't know if he regrets it now or not. But i will love and respect him for doing what he did and staying true to his own visions for as long as he continues to do so. he is human. His is a genius i can feel comfortable with. He has always been a long hair at heart.

This is a purely political viewpoint that i hold. M$ has become what IBM once was and i abhore what that is, as much today as i did 20 yrs ago.
WOW you guys have WAY to much free time on your hands:D HEH ; Frag master and everyone else just give up! The Mac is better at some things and PCs hold the edge in others. PERIOD. Hopefully this won't hold true in a few days tho;)
Ooh dont get me started on Hitler, the man was Masterful, with his ability he could have accomplised things that others could merely have dreamed of. Pity he was just an Evil B******.
Hitler was a disgruntled artist lol :p
My theory is that he god pushed to the edge when his stuff wasnt good enough lol -- but hey thats me --

as for linux freaks---dont know of any -- nut you guys all know a Newton freak...me :p
Various methods of measuring the time on task and/or number of steps to achieve a task (GOMS, KLM...) show Macintosh superior to Windows - it often takes less clicks, menus, movements... to do the same thing on a mac. This can often blow the one button mouse argument out of the water if they give you that one.

You know what - screw them, just tell them you choose to drive an exotic sports car while they drive Chevys - it really is that simple. You have taste and are not satisfied with the products used by the uncouth masses.
Off topic response to off topic comments:

I guess I should read these threads more closely. Hitler a genius? Give me a break, his own generals knew he was an idiot and thank God Hitler didn't let those guys run the show!

The only amazing thing about Hitler is that such a loser did what he did. His talents as an artist were minimal. Hitler was a thug with a flair for PR. It doesn't take a genius to lie, cheat, murder, steal... even if it is on the biggest scale in history. WWII Germany is less about Hitler's brain and more about the German people as the biggest suckers in history. They bought what Hitler was selling and we (Russians, US, British - not France) paid the bill - with interest.

Geniuses create something new and/or find connections that nobody else has thought of - what the hell is new about racism, killing and lies?
Because what is n my Mac today will be on their PC within 1 or 2 years.... if they are lucky
M8 im not gonna sit and defend Hitler, but saying that he wasnt a Genius Mastermind is just stupid. He was evil but still a genius, no doubt about it.

Just a pity he didnt use his ability for the good of germany at the time.
Chevy, how can you say whats in your mac will be in my PC in afew years time. Thats the kind of comment i told Urik really gets to me, you mearly make yourself look foolish with such comments.

The PC has never been behind a Mac (Hardware related) apart from maybe before Bill did his dirty deeds with IBM.

Name one thing the Mac has had before the PC in the last 6 years. dont forget anything you come up with there will have been a PC manufacturer somewhere offering it way before. so go ahead.

This should be interesting.
okay Fragmaster (or should it be FagMaster?:D ). Three things come to mind while reading you last topic. Keep in mind that while Apple may not have invented these (with the exception of one) that Apple is the one that brought them to mainstream use.

1. USB - Not Apple invented but Apple was the first company to put in all of their products across the board and brought it to mainstream use, while the PC companies only had it in one model or none at all.

2. Firewire - Apple invented tech. Every Mac has and had across the board before any PC had. Now it is the standard for Digital Video Cams and external hard drive (and slowly more and more things)

3. Airport - Again not and Apple invented idea, but was brought into wide use because of Apple. Apple again put wireless networking ablities across the board in all their products before any PC maker had, plus I believe that it wasn't and maybe still isn't supported by windoze w/o extra software/drivers while the Mac OS supports it out of box.

These are just a few that come to mind, there are more but I don't have the time to write right now, so maybe someone else will.:cool:
M8 i could have written those down for you in my original post, you are so predictable. If you think for one second you had those things in Macs before i could have gone out at any time months before and shoved it in My PC you are seriously mistaken and i mean seriously.

sorry m8, if you can think of any others, id like to hear them. USB before PCs LMAO

i can think of a few things that the Mac platform wouldnt be very far without, hmm PCI, AGP, SDRAM etc.

no need to start insulting, it puts you across in a bad light.
Most people who have been bothered to read my post know that im not really interested in which platform is better, I like each for different reasons one of the main ones is that they are Different.

I just get pissed off when people sit in a little dream world and then want to talk about it.
frgmstr - how about built in speakers and soundcards? and are you seriously saying that pc's were using firewire before macs?

what hardware came first is not really much of an issue to me. It's what you can do with the hardware. I think the who came first issue is pretty split in that department. and for the most part it has more to do with third party developers than apple or pc manufacturers i think. Of course each has certain strengths and limitations of their os. I feel that the major reason we resent M$ and pc's so much at times is because many developers simply don't put the effort into the mac market. or if they do, it is long after thay have released the pc version. The recent surge in apple developed apps is helping to even this out i think plus the new input of linux/osx developers. the trmendous success of the imac has also brought more attention to mac software development.

so we're sorta back to the 'why do people buy what they buy' conundrum and money as political power. If you have ever felt powerless in any aspect of your life, then perhaps you can empathize with what mac owners have had to endure at the hands of a pc world. especially when that world once appeared to be rightfully theirs.

hey, glad to see you're looking for a mac. perhaps when you start exploring the two platforms from a more hands on perspective you'll understand all this a little better. I hope you manage to find a great machine for your budget!!
Thanks Ed, im gonna keep looking, im getting an insurance payout for a Laptop soon i might actually use that too buy a new Mac if i cant find a decent second hand one.

Ed im not interested in what came first either, im really not. Its just like i said you get some idiots on here that like to bend the truth just that bit too far for me to just sit back sometimes.

i think they believe they are in the Matrix or something :D No steve is not the chosen one :D