Read my above post.
I am NOT saying the G4 is better! Period. I AM insisting on the fact that Altivec apps are faster. But well, to what SHOULD we compare? The top processors? Or the same megahertz count? Or the price tag? Or what?
To me, a computer is more than CPU performance. You have to admit that Apple is in front of other companies when it comes to "inventions". I know it's the wrong word, but I don't know the correct english term.
Come on, Apple managed it to bring DVD-burning to affordable workstations! Not even DeLL managed that. Apple supports Airport since years. You know, these are things which matter to me.
If I think about, i can't believe that I actually fought a G4 agains PC fight on the processor level. It is dumb. PC and Macs are so different from their philosophy, it is not wise to compare them in any performance related way. "Now", you might think, "he quietly agrees that PCs are faster". No. I don't. For example, there are things which take longer on a PC. Not because the CPU is slower. Because the OS doesn't offer me the way to do it as easy as on a Mac! The same might be true in the other direction.
My point is, let's not compare them. There is a reason why you have no Mac. Because you don't like it. Because the important facts for you are the advantages of the PCs. I like the Macs because of the advantages they have.
I used PCs since I was six. Until two years ago. I worked with a Mac for two weeks and then ordered one. Now, the only PC in my house is a Linux box running a house internal Mail server. You see, I found my favourite system. At the same point, if I would have been a game freak, I would have never changed to a Mac! As most graphic designers would NEVER change to PC.
This all doesn't have to do anything with processor speed. It is related to wether you like the whole package (Mac or PC) or not.
It's a bit like cars! There are people paying a hundred thousand dollars for a BMW i745 because they want all it's luxury stuff. At the same time, others pay the same amount for a 911 Porsche or a Viper. The first person wants luxury, the second wants a fast sports car. Would you say the Porsche is better than the BMW because it has a better acceleartion? Becaus you can get faster from A to B?
Hope you get my point...