Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

Whoa, sorry to keep you waiting ( :D ):

Okay ... something recent here.. i've found just some photos around here, they have all been taken in the last 3 years.. the classic "(even) my old frieds don't recognize me.."


  • giaguara_face.jpg
    10.2 KB · Views: 69
this seems to be the most different from now .. = before the lasering of my eyes [i didn't see even my fingers clearly] .. hmm, that must be from december '99 ... :rolleyes:


  • giaguara_geeky.jpg
    14.1 KB · Views: 72

Do those red eyes cast any insight into your personality? Just kidding, to see my most current pics, click on page 15 of this thread, gosh are they geeky. If you ask wdw_, he might be able to make an icon from one of your pics, some of the members' pictures are available somewhere in this thread as icons.
oh my god she has red eyes :eek:

your location says nothing ... so here's the scoop

1) if you are a deamonic entity and your eyes are naturally red dont worry


2) if your eyes are irritated, get some clear-eyes, it relieves red eyes AND it has an ingredient to moisturize :D hehehehehe ;)

chemistry, i did just some icons this week from astor piazzolla related pix .. erll _i_ don't want to have myself as an icon but if someone else does go on ... hmm, actually weird - i didn't manage to use a weird icon making program i had - so i do the icons without an icon making program, even better... :D
You perverts, the geeky pix of me is already more clicked ;)
ups. posted a wrong link. i meant THIS. sorry. :( that has the fixed = not red eyes.

and yes, i do have bigger pics but i'm doing them smaller just for here. [to be unrecogniseable.]

I like the "Apple effect". That's original.

Do you have any more pictures like "sp.jpg"?

and yes, i do have bigger pics but i'm doing them smaller just for here. [to be unrecogniseable.]

You have nothing to hide, trust me.
HUBBA! HUBBA! I'm in Love. Just kidding. Nice pics. You have the same eyes now that you had as a baby. Glad you decided to keep them. [wink wink].