Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

sausage fest - party where mostly or all men are attending.. hence "sausage" :p

and ms. mystique, is all the artwork on your site original to you? or did you just invert some others' works? either way interesting stuff ;) :)
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
and ms. mystique, is all the artwork on your site original to you? or did you just invert some others' works? either way interesting stuff ;) :)

Nah, she stole it from me... that was the previous look of my site - she musta liked how simple and clean it was. :D

Not saying that mines looks any better now, I can't make up my mind on what I want it to look like or what it should contain! :p
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
dont hate be because you aint me ;)

Uh... I don't think I wanna be you! lol :p ;)
Maybe if you where Angel Viera or Antonio de la Rua... but nah, I've been through too much hell to be anyone else now! :D
here's a more clear Pic! ... here

neyo - much better pic - thanks. and the girl on the left does look part asian so maybe that's where i was getting it :p

tormente and bobb - are you guys getting mystique and giaguara mixed up? i don't think mystique has ever posted pics here. if so, i would have made sure to say nothing :confused: :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
neyo - much better pic

Yea, i felt i owe'd it to you Guys! ;) lol

ASIAN!? GRR... there's NO Ties with me and Asians! lol, stop making excuses! ... its sooo "american" HehehE

NeYo :D
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
yeah you wouldnt want to be me... its tough beating all the women off of me ;) :rolleyes: ;)

Eh, you can have them - I only want one of three (four?) and none of them know you, two of which don't know me either! LOL
So there! lol :D

And the other two - I won't go into here. :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
tormente and bobb - are you guys getting mystique and giaguara mixed up? i don't think mystique has ever posted pics here. if so, i would have made sure to say nothing :confused: :D

Nah, Bobb's the confused one - Mystique's site is just a blank white page, thus my "simple, clean look" comment lol.

My mind is too much in a rut to make a site like Giaguara's for my own... Why is it I can make good sites for others but I can't for myself? Shesh! :rolleyes: :p

I did have Neyo confused with someone else tho! :)