Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

That's not my Mac, but... :)
(and I didn't really like Macs back then - started to soften up to them tho)

I wasn't going to post a pic - until I found one that I think would be appropriate since there's a Mac in the background. :)

From a few years ago at college (damn, ok I’m starting to feel old! lol) – my friend and I where playing with cameras for our television production class – he pointed his camera at me and I looked to see what the heck he was doing… blah! :p


  • tormente_sogni.jpg
    13 KB · Views: 161
hehe! HERE! Why not?!

Here's MOI! ... u may notice my hair's GONE?! which is a shame....

Cus u're missin something!

(See next post!)


  • me.jpg
    4.8 KB · Views: 48

now you see why my nickname is boi... i look young for my age (19) ^_^.
so finally you guys are getting brave nough to admit who you are :p

nice pics all three of you although i admit none of you quite match my imagining of you. well, neyo kind of does.

thanks for sharing. :)

who's next?
Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
Ed... Oh?! please, expand, i am CURIOUS!! this is COOL! :D


well, i did imagine you with a big smile. you just seem to have a very happy attitude. and i also imagined you as being on the thin side. i don't know why. i actaully would have imagined you looking more like inline guy and him more like you when it ccomes to clothes and hair for some reason. and while i know it makes no sense, since you are "english" after all :D , i have sometimes gotten the picture of you as being part asian. the things we imagine, huh? :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
well, i did imagine you with a big smile. you just seem to have a very happy attitude. and i also imagined you as being on the thin side. i don't know why. i actaully would have imagined you looking more like inline guy and him more like you when it ccomes to clothes and hair for some reason. and while i know it makes no sense, since you are "english" after all :D , i have sometimes gotten the picture of you as being part asian. the things we imagine, huh? :p

HAHA! thats Cool, well i am glad my attitude, and representation of myself, is so apparent to you guys, i think its something to be proud of! :D ... and Yes, "Being English" haha!

"americans" :P :rolleyes: ...:D

you did well with you're assumptions, maybe not the asian, but not bad none the less

"for a mac user" LOL ...Jus Playing Buddy :D

"for a mac user" LOL ...Jus Playing Buddy :D

so what, you just leave your new ibook out on the coffeee table as a conversation piece? :p

(admit it, you're "one of us" now !!) :eek: