Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

Less talk, more photos :p

I am sure there are more women here, names arent really indicative of anything on the internet :p
This is a picture of me just before walking the cliffs of Slieve League. The picture of me after the said walk is much worse.


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So, let me get this straight. If I come up with a problem, you'll all fight over who gets to figure it out?! Sweet!

Life is getting better all the time!

Is this going to be an action flick or a cheesy romance? I need to know.

Or maybe........(cue cheesy 70s funk)
lol --> Admiral cues in Sandstorm tune :p

I have not interest in fighting over mundane things such as girls (on the internet that is)... I am the (notsowise) elder here :p


Hey scott...are you my WASP canadian clone ? :p
Egads, I hope not...the board couldn't handle two of you! :p

Err...and what makes you the elder here? 'Cause some of the posters are older than you, and some of 'em joined the board before ya...so unless this is purely going on the number of posts you've done.... :D
Boy, this is the last time I join in with the crowd! I post a picture of me (and it was 5 am), and two days later someone (in another tread) call's me ugly (I was also called stupid and dump, but I don't think those opinions came from my pic). I should have kept my mask on!

At least my wife doesn't think I'm ugly (or she just doesn't tell me so my feeling won't get hurt:confused: ).
Racer: If you were ugly she wouldnt have married you :p lol
Just chill ;) Dont hang on the words of some immature idiot that falls back on name calling just cause he cant back up his point (or just had nothing better to post about than "X-windows" and Oh Es Sex...eerr...sorry I mean Oh Es Ex (X, 10, I dont care what you call it :p)

Darkshadow... I am the elder...cause...."I made them an offer they couldnt refuse" lol :P

Thats more like it ;)
But seriously now... more people should post their photos :p
Lets see yer faces already ;)

Don Admiral
Ar matey, lets see those ugly mugs of yours (what do you think admiral should I change my name to captain soapvox)
>I have not interest in fighting over mundane things such as girls (on the
>internet that is)

I think I'm offended. I mean, hey, you don't have to fight over my tech questions, but isn't "mundane" a little harsh?

Never been called THAT before. Lot's of other things, sure, but mundane?


LOL :p
>> "the rock" impersonation <<
The admiral needs not one to keep him in line little girl!
>> end of "the rock" <<

