5:25PM up 1 day, 7:56, 6 users, load averages: 1.95, 1.68, 1.66
Uptime gives you current time, time (days and hours) system has been up, number of users, and load averages over last 1, 5, and 15 messages.
If a person has more than 1 users in the uptime output, that's usually still okay. Type "who" to see who is using your machine:
[localhost:~] flash% who
flash console Jun 7 09:31
flash ttyp1 Jun 7 14:06
flash ttyp2 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp3 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp4 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp5 Jun 8 17:22
[localhost:~] flash%
Often, multiple users are just you with different terminal windows.
Uptime gives you current time, time (days and hours) system has been up, number of users, and load averages over last 1, 5, and 15 messages.
If a person has more than 1 users in the uptime output, that's usually still okay. Type "who" to see who is using your machine:
[localhost:~] flash% who
flash console Jun 7 09:31
flash ttyp1 Jun 7 14:06
flash ttyp2 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp3 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp4 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp5 Jun 8 17:22
[localhost:~] flash%
Often, multiple users are just you with different terminal windows.