FWIW I am using Longhorn Beta 1 on my pc. IMHO (remember I have no probs with Windows unlike most of you

) its not bad at all. There are some cool improvements, there are some bugs, and there are some missing features. It is a beta and I'm sure the final release will be different. The theme has some inconsistencies, but so does OSX with metal, aqua and whatever the new look is called... The transparency effect is actually really neat, like said it blurs whats behind it. And like previously said, they should differentiate between animations for closing and minimizing. And like said, it is like XP, but its adding new features without re-creating the wheel, which is a good idea IMHO. As far as security? I really don't know and don't care, I've never had an issue with either viruses or spyware in my life. But yes, of course, the average user will. The search engine is of the same idea as spotlight but a bit different. Its not bad, but its not great. It's not fully implemented in the Beta 1 build, but it's there. There are some new organizational tools in explorer which are both useful and cumbersome since MS has yet to explain some things to the user (no real help file yet, but thats expected).
Anyways, this Beta is very incomplete, but if they fully complete everything by the time of release it will be a good Windows system. (Note: I said Windows system so that those of you who are alright with Windows will like it, and those of you who aren't will prolly continue to dislike it

)... anyways It's always a good thing for OS's to move forward otherwise it would all stagnate, so whether or not your a fan, please realize that new releases keeps inovation going... for all companies.