They just borrowed some stuff... Come on! You got to be kidding, right? Thank God that people who know more about computers than some people around here believe otherwise... And guess what? We call those people pros

Thank God that they know more...
Here is one...
You may need free registration but anyways here is a piece:
"You don't have to look too far to see that this is almost a direct copy of Quartz," said Philip W. Schiller, Apple's vice president of marketing, referring to the Macintosh software that controls the computer's display.
Microsoft executives declined to take the bait. "We only showed glimpses of the future of Longhorn," said a Microsoft spokesman. "Wait until the fall when we'll go into more detail at the Professional Developers Conference."
Explanation(!?) of the above: "Hey, maybe LongHorn IS a copy from OS X.2 for now but until then it won't be a copy because we will copy OS X.5"
Here is another:,4248,1090247,00.asp
A piece from there:
"That sounds like a bunch of nice improvements [for LongHorn]. But until Microsoft lets Longhorn out of the corral, Panther will rule the desktop OS jungle."
Which is actually another link for the previous one...
Here too:,3973,1074306,00.asp
Piece is here:
"Editor's Note: after this story was originally published, ET forum contributor "Cafemomo" mentioned Apple has being up and running with their Quartz Compositor engine in OS X, which is now hardware accelerated as Quartz Extreme in Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar), and that MS is once again playing catch-up and acting as if it's new stuff."
One final thing from here:
And for those who got bored here it is the piece:
"HULKAROS: After watching some Longhorn videos...
...I concluded to that... M$ cannot do anything without Apple "experimenting" first!
The effects that they used on those demos were nice but they were screaming OS X that it was to difficult for me not to post here the following...
I have 2 small 320 sized videos running TRANSPARENT above one running 480 sized video doubled in size, while one other 480 video was running minimized while I had other apps like Safari loading web pages, Mail, et al all TRANSPARENT as well... All at the same time of having a DVD playing TOO maximum size TRANSPARENT behind all these...
Now, before anyone will say how this and that I will simply say that I have WindowShade X installed, 512 of RAM and a TiBook of only a 1000MHz...
Anyways, take a look and if you will see those tech demos for LongHorn next time don't despair... OS X rules right here, right now...
Because I could not grab the screen while the DVD was running I closed the DVD player but believe me it runs more than fine... The following is the grabbed picture: "
And because the above can go on and on I will sum it up by saying the following:
Wintel with Athens PC and LongHorn CLEARLY 100% and maybe for the first time, showed to us that Apple ALL those years did the right thing and continues to do so: Software AND hardware combination, ease of use, looks, etc ARE needed for the "right" computer experience

wither some Wintel people care to accept it or not...
Jason posted:
could it be possibly that MS has less room to "experiment" with new ideas for their operating systems since quite frankly the world runs on them? i dunno just an idea...
anyways, just try to keep the attacks and negative vibes on the low down guys, yer gonna ruin the good karma
No, Jason! Wintel doesn't have less room to experiment... Wintel has less guts even to try experiments... They just play it safe! Even with tones of money, employees AND consumers... If we should have someone to experiment this should be the Wintel side and not others... Damn even the underpaid (if at all) Linux community experiments a LOT MORE with all those Linux distros as well as other OSes companies and/or communities like , , , et al (SOOOOO many to post here). But what really makes me

is that we have people here and in other forums as well, thinking that Wintel is the end all be all computer offerings... Thank God (no, not Jobs or Gates) that this is far from the truth (actually this belongs in the realm of Science Fiction

And, Jason? I hope that I didn't ruin the good karma