Originally posted by hulkaros
And what exactly was the Xerox GUI product? Can I install it in a computer be it Mac or Wintel? Nope! Therefore, NO Xerox GUI product for us... Oh, you mean then Apple's GUI, eh? You surely don't mean M$ GUI because that's a steal not from Xerox (because such a GUI never existed beyond their Parc) but from Apple... That's history!
Are you saying that because Xerox never marketed a standalone gui product that therefore there was nothing to copy? You do know that Xerox actually sold the Star right? And saying that because you can't "install it on a Mac or Wintel" that somehow it isn't important couldn't have been "borrowed from" is just laughable.
that's the problem BinaryDigit! You want THAT much to argue with Pro Mac people and that's why you cannot even read... We NEVER said that Wintel's history is not welcome here in general but in an Apple News & Rumors... Read first then argue just for the sake of arguing which it seems that you and other people around here seem to enjoy...
Actually I'd recommend that YOU read first. Every post that I quoted said
nothing of the inappropriatness to this forum. I've seen those posts, and I was not commenting on them. Plus by your definition, it's fine for you to post your comments, but when someone doesn't agree, or has issue with what you post, then they're labeled as "argumentative". Oh, and BTW,
I am a "Pro Mac" person as well

and have been literally since there was a Mac. I'm just an anti-misinformation person.
There are no propagandas around here other than how one MUST read about Wintel in an Apple News & Rumors forum... I think you never heard about The Cafe or something before... Maybe because your agenda is argue first then read...
Again, you should read EXACTLY what I was responding to.
That brings up the issue of "Apple News and Rumours". Perhaps a more appropriate name would be "Apple Related News and Rumours" or even just "News and Rumours" as the things being discussed often are not about Apple itself, but news that is of interest or somehow affects Apple and it's users.
I didn't originate this thread, but as much as you seem to dislike it, you can't help but keep it alive. The title is clear, there is no reason for you to be reading it if you are truely not interested in it. This would have been a short thread about Longhorn, it's UI and a bit of technical info about IE. Some Mac folk would have found it interesting and that would have been that. You started off fine, you didn't feel that it was appropriate for this forum and you made a comment to the moderators. Beyond that you should have just ignored it if the subject matter didn't interest you. Though you may feel that this thread is off topic, adding even more off topic posts is even worse. Your flippant comments surely didn't add anything to the thread.