
Originally posted by monktus
And of course as dlloyd points out, you're stuck with it, and being stuck with IE isn't good!

Windows XP SP1 has an option to hide IE from the user, and I am pretty sure that Longhon will have the same feature. They had to do it because of the whole Netscape/anti-trust lawsuit.

SP1 Review
There is IExplorer.exe and Explorer.exe, IExplorer is your Web browser, Explorer.exe is just like Finder for MacOSX
Originally posted by boneske
There is IExplorer.exe and Explorer.exe, IExplorer is your Web browser, Explorer.exe is just like Finder for MacOSX

only explorer.exe crashes all the time... where as the finder doesnt :)
Originally posted by boneske
There is IExplorer.exe and Explorer.exe, IExplorer is your Web browser, Explorer.exe is just like Finder for MacOSX

But, they both use the same underlying code. If you type a URL into the "Address" in Windows Explorer(Explorer.exe), you'll be browsing that website just like you would with Internet Explorer.
Originally posted by Captain Code
But, they both use the same underlying code. If you type a URL into the "Address" in Windows Explorer(Explorer.exe), you'll be browsing that website just like you would with Internet Explorer.

They are not necessarily the same underlying code (they might be now, but they weren't back when the active desktop was first released). Note that it is possible to embed IE functionality in any app. Microsoft uses this extensively (and is really what they mean when they claim that they can't easily "remove" IE from Windoze) in things like Help. Many other companies use this to embed browser functionality in their apps or in some cases to come up with full blown browsers.

The iexlorer.exe application is really just a front end for the actually html rendering/http processing engine which actually resides in a bunch of components.

This is actually a very good design, EXCEPT for the fact that instead of building an infrastructure that allows the plugging in of ANY html renderer or http processor, they only allow IE. If Mozilla wanted to add this level of functionality, they'd have to roll their own and try to get the interfaces as close as possible to the existing objects.
Originally posted by boneske
hmmm, what about Windows 95 it has Explorer.exe and didnt come with IE built-in?

Entirely depends on what you mean by "built-in". Win95 certainly shipped with IE, now how much of IE was monolithic and how much of it was broken out into COM components, I don't know. Remember that "built-in" simply means that there are parts of what we know as IE that are available as COM objects, and that in recent MS operating systems, more of their other apps (including "normal" explorer) take advantage of the functionality provided by these COM objects. I never really used the "consumer" side of Windoze (well not since Win3.11), I've been exclusively down the NT track, and there I know that this integration happened in the middle of the NT4 timeframe (it became available for NT4 users as a service pack). I'm sure this coincided with it's development for Win2K, though I can't remember which consumer version was out then (98?)
95 at the very begining never shipped with IE installed, I believe OSR-2 was released with IE 3.51 or some 3X version on a different disc.

Win2K(NT5 back in the day) development started back in 1996 and Windows 98 wasnt even a itch in Bill Gates pants.

Windows 98 was suppost to be a minior update and was suppost to be released earlier than what it did (like most MS products), the soul reason why they didnt release on time was because they decided to integrate IE 4 into.

If you want to read more look up the road maps of 98 and 2K on www.winsupersite.com
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
and if u want to read more about Apples history click here .... im sure ull find it much more interesting :)

I think people here already know the history of apple like the back of their hand :D
Originally posted by boneske
I think people here already know the history of apple like the back of their hand :D

i dont.
and dont forget that there are new-comers here that are switchers.

i thought it would be useful. since ur link about Windoze history shouldnt really interest any1 in a APPPLE news & rumors forum :) (cause if it does. then maybe we should start worrying)
Hey this is a windows thread.... Someone on this thread wanted to know what consumer version of Windows was out when they started developing Windows 2000 so I gave him an answer. I know for sure a great deal of people dont know the history of Windows either.
Originally posted by boneske
Hey this is a windows thread.... Someone on this thread wanted to know what consumer version of Windows was out when they started developing Windows 2000 so I gave him an answer. I know for sure a great deal of people dont know the history of Windows either.

...we have a Windows thread in an Apple News & Rumors forum in the first place?

PLUS, if anyone wants to know about the history of Windows he/she should be better off here and straight to www.microsoft.com instead...

For those who want to know about Wintel migrate there ASAP and come back if and only if you want to know about "Apple News & Rumors" :mad:

:D :cool: ;)
Wintel??? Who came up with that the Linux users or Apple users? Anyways you are right we shouldnt have a Windows thread in Apple News & Rumors. But I also dont think its right that anytime there is a Windows Thread the Admins delete instead of moving it to the proper place (The Cafe).
Originally posted by boneske
Hey this is a windows thread.... Someone on this thread wanted to know what consumer version of Windows was out when they started developing Windows 2000 so I gave him an answer. I know for sure a great deal of people dont know the history of Windows either.

oh im sorry. i didnt know they had a history. i just thought windows was(and is) a bad attempt to copy other peoples innovative ideas :) (he he he)
Hey dont bash Windows, just dont use it. I use both Windows and Mac at work and at home. I enjoy using both OS's. Look a little closer at Apple's history who did they get the idea of GUI?? Hmmm, could it be Xerox.
Originally posted by boneske
Hey dont bash Windows, just dont use it. I use both Windows and Mac at work and at home. I enjoy using both OS's. Look a little closer at Apple's history who did they get the idea of GUI?? Hmmm, could it be Xerox.

We don't bash Windows... Just Wintel in general! :D

As for the GUI: If you look closer to M$ history where did they get the idea of GUI? Could it be Apple? :rolleyes: