Looking for Rhapsody's Screenshots.

The thing we need now is VPC for Mac OS X. I can't bear rebooting to "play" with Rhapsody !
Maybe we'll get it soon ...

LOL ... I keep my disks tudy lol :D
For some reason Rhapsody doesnt like that ISO9660 CD, so I will put the tar file on a VFloppy ... maybe the next message will be from rhapsody ;)

As for reeboot and play ... that is the reason I dont usually use OS X full time, I dont want to reboot to use VPC and view DVDs ... by the way I just biught the X Men ... nice movie :D
You just can't. Maybe on Hotline but I don't think so, moreover, Rhapsody doesn't have a lot of applications, i don't think it may be useable if not on a server : RHAPSODY AS A CLIENT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA.

Also look on ebay.

Well ... I just came back from the wonderful world of Rhapsody...
I made the discovery that Rhapsody only formats floppies as Rhapsdy format only while its predecessors (Next and openstep formated floppies as NeXT, Apple and DOS) .... weird!

The CD worked with a littel playong around and throught some terminal hopping I got the PPP files on my VHD.... now its tells me the kernal doesnt support PPP LOL ... (it also gives me the option of useing a .bsd document to modify the kernal (with "detailed instructions")...well seems like I will be getting my hands dirty doing some weekend kernal adjustments ;)

--> I just bought a Norwegian phrase book... now looking for norwegian grammar online :) I wish some of these phrasebooks actually included some useful phrases..as in for...going out ... lol ... useful phase when phoning someone "unnskyld" meaing "excuse me" lol ... I think I am going to use this a lot :p <--
wait, Rhapsody IS a client. For the last few years people have been using Server as an (expensive) client for working on quite a few things. Remember that Server is basicly Rhapsody DR2 for PPC with a suite of server software on top. Infact it was supposed to be released as a client. Most of the developers who originally wrote for it felt the same was. Shipley (of Omni Development) wrote a nice piece about how Rhapsody should not be marketed as JUST a server OS (see:http://www.stepwise.com/Articles/Editorial/wjs_ServerOS.html ). And I'm sure that Scott Anguish ( http://www.stepwise.com/ ) doesn't feel that way, or why would he write about "must have" apps for server that have nothing to do with serving (see: http://www.stepwise.com/Articles/Editorial/MustHave.html ).

If all you are going to use Rhapsody for is as a Server, you don't need apps other than stuff like apache. On my ThinkPad I have the following apps installed:

OmniWeb, OmniImage, PDFView, Create 5.1, TIFFany 3, GIFfun, WriteUp, PasteUp, WebWrite, CuttingRoom, Doom, Doom II (gota have my shooters), Solitaire, Hextris, Balling, Risk, and some other misc. stuff.

I even have Quake II for Rhapsody DR2 for PPC (all the other stuff was both PPC and Intel apps). I spend AS many (actually more) hours a day working in Rhapsody as I do work in Mac OS X. My thinkPad goes with me on ALL of my calls because I have 2 GB of docs on SGI, Sun, Apple, NeXT, and Microsoft/PC systems on it. I also have the commplete works of Doyle (Holmes), Shakespeare, and most of the books by Kant on my system, plus another 50 or so odd books (Moby Dick, Time Machine, etc.), and ALL of the developers docs from Mac OS X's Developer Tools CD are on my ThinkPad.

Basicly calling Rhapsody a server OS is like calling Mac OS X and OPENSTEP server OS's, I mean Mac OS X Server 10.0 is just Mac OS X plus a cool suite of server apps, same thing happen to Rhapsody, only they decided not to release Rhapsody as well.

Sorry, I hate to see good OS's put into the closet as servers (where servers belong) when they are sooooo much more :D .
Has anyone seen that M$ commercial about how their servers dont get lonelly lol :D that is the most hilarious thing :p ... perhaps they do get lonelly and they crash so a tech can come and touch em only where a tech can make em feel good... LOL.... (stupid M$ comemercials :p )

I took a look at my Rhapsody set up... I hadnt told VPC that I wanted my mdel to be on COM1 ... altough that would have nothing to do with teh kernal... oh well I will look into it this weekend ;)
Has anyone else noticed that Windows users don't name their systems (in general), to them it is just an appliance like a TV or VCR or Toaster. Every computer I own has a unique name (most are named after mathematician or physicist) and personality (even if two systems are the same physically and installation, they tend to have unique traits that make one different from the other). Maybe it is just a strange Unix/Mac thing, and maybe it is why Unix/Mac users like their systems more than Windows users do.

Here is an example, my fiancee has a Mac named SAL 9000 (female counter part to my HAL 9000 Mac), but she doen't have a name for her Windows system at work (at least not that I could repeat in mixed company). And most of my clients don't have names for their system either (infact I can't think of any that do :D ). It makes me wonder about why Windows user want everyone using Windows. Maybe misery love company.
LOL... I've noticed the names n your web site I think ;)

Personally before I go my first mac (a performa 635CD) I used macs at school and I had a Quadra 650 that I used all the time (we had BOLO tournaments after school) with the a hard drive name called "Roots Radical" ... I will be damned if I know what it means, I just found it cool :D So when I got my mac I named the hard drive "Radical Drive" and it's been a tradition to call my main partition like so for all my computers (well my main mac that is).

As for names. My peforma was named sentinel (which now rests in a plastic bag in my basement), and I;ve named my G3 admiralty (after my fictitious "club" lol )... it seems fitting since my mac is almost always on with the MP3 player going ;) (I have about 1 weeks worth of music ready on my external firewire HD, and another 30 MP3 CDs in backup storage lol)

I think I will start a new thread to see what others name their macs :)

I agree with you, RacerX, Rhapsody was designed to be a client but due to the lack of applications, it can't. For instance, the only irc clients are BitchX and ircii, the only Web Browser is OmniWeb 3.0, it can't be used in remplacement of Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X.
Anyway, I must repeat that, it was a great project and I think I prefer it to Mac OS X, maybe because it's faster, maybe because it works on PC too ... :rolleyes:


PS: Rhapsody is still a good OS for server, particularly on x86, don't you think ? :D
On what date did Mac OS X start being a client OS? Is Be a server OS? And the Macintosh System 4.1 must definately be BE a server OS. And NeXTstep 1.0 is absolutely only a server OS.

"For instance, the only irc clients are BitchX and ircii, the only Web Browser is OmniWeb 3.0, it can't be used in remplacement of Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X."

irc clients, web browsers? How do the number of these types of apps effect its client status? And I (and others) use it as a replacement for Mac OS 9 on a daily basis. For the "average" users, what do they need from a system. Word processor, page layout, speedsheet, image editor, drawing app, web browser, e-mail, and some games, sounds like all those bases are covered. As for replacement ability, I never thought that Windows 98/ME made a good replacement for Mac OS 9 and I would hardly call them "server" material.

What I think makes an OS a server OS is the lack of overhead for non-server needs (you don't need display postscript to run a server) and the ability to work headless (which all the Rhapsody-based OS have always had a problem with). It is what it was designed to be, a client/workstation that with the addition of server software can be used as a server within limitations. By your standards, EVERY OS must start out as a "server" and earn it's rights to be called a client/workstation, but as most system admins would tell you... you have it VERY reversed. Most experienced admins would tell you that EVERY OS is a client/workstation, and needs to be worked up to (and be stripped down to) the status of Server.

I agree that all version of the Rhapsody OS lack a selection of apps, but Apple didn't want developers writing for Rhapsody after the start of the Mac OS X project. They made it very clear that they wanted the developers full attention on writing for Mac OS X to help it past the applications barrier that cut Rhapsody's life short.

As you know I use Rhapsody on my IBM ThinkPad (not the ideal server hardware), why do you think Apple wrote drivers to run it on a ThinkPad? Two words: Steve Jobs. Mr. Jobs was still using his ThinkPad with OPENSTEP along after coming back to Apple. OPENSTEP was later replaced with Rhapsody on his systems, and the he replace that system with a PowerBook G3 running some of the Developers Previews of Mac OS X. I very much doubt that Jobs was using his equipment for any server duties.

I'm not trying to come down on you about this, just pointing out that Rhapsody is a good client/workstation OS, and that servers should be held to a higher (not lower) standard than the rest of the OS pack.

As for Rhapsody on Intel being a good server, it works for me.:D
I totally agree, but I wouldn't like to use Rhapsody as a client, because of this lack of applications, not because it was not made for.


As a general answer to someone. But people have been using it as an alternative to other operating systems quite happily. And some people HAVE (had) to use Mac OS X Server as a workstation to do developement for Web Objects (the alternative would be to use Windows NT 4.0, which some people would rather not do).

:D I'm just giving you grief. The person you were answering would have rather use Rhapsody than Windows... I own three PCs two with Rhapsody and one with OPENSTEP, the only place I run Windows is in VPC. I would have told him/her that they should see if there are apps that do what they need before jumping onto a Beta OS that is NOT supported by anyone any more (sorta what Admiral said).
LOL I just came back from a graduation party ...
whereby I was classified as a computer abuser (as opposed to user ... hmmm I think i treat my mac well .. it's bee a while since I last lashed it LOL :p )

in any case, I told people that I used a mac (since most were either web designers or programmers) and proceeded to tell them that I also have about 10 OSs under VPC (mentioned several windows flavors, open & nextstep, OS/2 etc etc)... the question was "why do that ??" my answer ?? because I can lol ....

hmmm probably the alcohol talking :p ha ha ha... (most of the people there we PeeCee users :p)

actually here is what I have on VPC: Win ME, Win 98 Win NT, Win 2k, Solaris 7, QNX6, Linux(SuSE 7.1), NetBSD, win 3.1, OS/2 v3, OpenStep, NextSTEP, Rhapdosy and soon to be added (hopefully) BeOS 5 ... do you think that is abnormal ???:confused:
Argl, OmniWeb.app (v3.0 for DR2) doesn't start on Rhapsody x86.
It starts and stops before I see any window :confused:
What the $£€|* is happening ?

Thank you for this answer but now, i've got a new problem :mad:
My computer crashed while running Rhapsody in VPC, it checks disks and ... it stops when "lauching lookupd". Even if I wait, it doesn't change anything. Is there a way to boot without loading all theses unuseful daemons ?


We should create a "Rhapsody-support" Web Site :D