LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

You? Have fun at school? You must still be sick. You should have taken off today with me. I rented "Blazing Saddles", my english teacher said it was a good movie. It was... differnt.
Two words: poor ken. HA!:D

If you ever decide to come back to us. Does your name begin with a "M". Oh, and some of you interview questions are back there somewhere.

Have a good one!:)
Let see, you have come to the conclusion that I am female, you know of one of my classes, and my name starts with an "R".

Oh, and I was out of town this last weekend with my family. That should help.

A first name that begins with "R". I love puzzles. NOT! This is killing me.;)

I will not give up!

"I think I can, I think I can!"
Little brother can be such a pain!

Hey did you guys check out the photos on our site? I'm only in one, and it is such a bad picture!
Im going to take a stab at it and say the Mentor High website. But I could be wrong... so a little help here.

Hey, I would tend to agree with that, little brothers are a pain in the ass. Randy is such a dumbass is amazes me. You know what im talking about Jerry. That why we cant take him anywhere.
Okay guys, if this one doesn't give it away... then I don't know what would. I'm in this picture (it is not my best picture though).


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It that some sort of sick joke? Are in the front in the back?

I bet you think you are pretty funny, dont ya?

So you went to the dance? With your boyfriend I presume?

At least this clue knocked some off of our list. We will get this eventually.
This would be a lot easier if I knew who I was looking for. I can hardly recognize anyone in that picture. Are you sticking out, I mean, can you be recognized quickly? Like: "Bamm! There she is!"

You might this is easy from you perspective, but I am clueless. Maybe if Jerry were here this would be easier.

Which brings up a question. Who do you know more closely? Me or Jerry? That will give us an idea of who to look for.

This is getting exciting. Keep'em coming!:D
Originally posted by BroknHartd
Maybe this'll help. I was invited to be a guest on your show.

By whom? Me, Jerry, and outsider?

Actually we tell anybody who wants to, that they can be a guest on the show. Mostly past members of this website come in. Then you showed up. Weeeee, what a ride!;)
Well, well, well. Un-fuckin-believable! You are amazing. You have proven your point. But beware, I dont think Jerry will take to kindly to this. We both were rather stumped.

Well played, well played. I think I will go and cry now.;)
Actually even though you guy fell for it, you were not making it very easy... I wanted to go until April 1st, but you kept asking too many questions. :(
By the way, I was in that picture... maybe this would help.


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