LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

Good one Racer... you dork. I cannot belive you went through all that for a joke. How did you pick the name anyway? brokenharted? how did you get that?
by Jerry
Good one Racer... you dork. I cannot belive you went through all that for a joke. How did you pick the name anyway? brokenharted? how did you get that?

It really wasn't that hard. It was answering questions that started making it difficult. I have no idea what type of music you guys are into at your high school, and it would have been to much trouble for me to research that info.

As for the name BroknHartd, you know exactly were that comes from. That was why you thought I was Kaylee to begin with. Honestly, I think we need to (all three of us) go through and edit her name out of all our posts. I like you guys and just wanted to give you a hard time. The problem is that what if someone out there isn't as nice as I am? You guys need to be more careful about the amount (and type) of information you give out in a public forum. This site has some 6000+ members, and who knows how many people just come to watch and read what we post?

You guys are going to learn that you are more the ideas and opinions that you have rather than the specifics of your life (that is actually something that you acquire with age). Specifics can be replaced with generalities, and the same information you want given can be given without leaving a trail back to you. You're in high school, we don't need to know which one. You live in the midwest, we don't need to know the actual state and city. You have a girlfriend, we don't need to know her actual name. You guys need to be more careful on the internet (now you've done it, I sound like an adult :( ).

So do you guys still want to know my shoe size?

=) :D
Evil. Pure evil. I dont know if I can even begin to think where to begin. 2 "begins", that doesnt sound right, right?:D

You went to a lot of trouble with this. Im surprised you kept it up as long as you did. Research and everything. You think maybe you could have done something postive with this time? Created a cure for cancer or something?

The thoughts I had running through my head all day long. The looks I gave people wondering, "Are you her?" This was rather fun, huh?

Yeah, yeah, whatever. Something about your shoe size.
by Jerry
wait... how did you get her email address anyway?

If I tell you how I did it, what is to stop someone else from doing it. Do you want other people to get her e-mail address? Remember, we have no idea who is reading this.

by Rick
You went to a lot of trouble with this. Im surprised you kept it up as long as you did. Research and everything. You think maybe you could have done something postive with this time? Created a cure for cancer or something?

I was working on the cancer cure, but this seemed much more interesting :D. I don't think that 10 minutes of research (which is what I specialize in anyway) is a lot of trouble. Being able to answer questions about a school I've never been to was getting to be some trouble, which was why I wanted to end it. Don't over estimate the amount of time I put into this, I imagine it was a very small fraction of the amount of time you guys spent trying to figure it out.
Originally posted by RacerX
I imagine it was a very small fraction of the amount of time you guys spent trying to figure it out.

How right you are sir.

About the address, hey genius, there is a giant ass list of a bunch of emails of tons of kids at the school website. Teachers, students, everybody. I could send so much shit to my teachers email address it wouldn't be funny. They really should reconsider what they put out there.:D
Im more interested in how you got the correct birthdate. Yeah, the year was off but the month and the day were perfect.

Oh, by the way, the new "see_me" picture crashes my computer everytime I click on it. Thanks!:mad:

Haven't learned anything? Sure we have, I just dont know what just yet.:D

If anyone really wanted info about me it would be very easy for them to find anything they wanted to. Which is fine. I have nothing to hide. If they wanted to contact a nameless face, and they got this persons email off of a site, well, good for them. My question is, then what? What possible interest would they have in talking to them. Everyone I know delete un-wanted emails immediatly. The less you know the better you are.:D
You have already posted more information than I was willing to, why not just post her e-mail address and see what she thinks. Someone could e-mail telling her that Rick and Jerry are discussing her personal life in a public forum.

If you wish to take a cavalier attitude toward this with your own personal information (which there is actually less of than Jerry and Kaylee), that is fine. But you should care about what you could be doing to others... but then again, that would be highly unlike you, wouldn't it. There is a reason why you don't have many friends, and the ones you do have you abuse constantly.

Yes, there are few who are as careless of others around them as you are. Most people when they discover that people close to them have been compromised would have work to fix the problem... but you, the ever thoughtful friend, make a point to give directions. Boy, with a friend like you, Jerry and Kaylee don't need enemies.
Originally posted by RacerX
-why not just post her e-mail address and see what she thinks. Someone could e-mail telling her that Rick and Jerry are discussing her personal life in a public forum.

--But you should care about what you could be doing to others... but then again, that would be highly unlike you, wouldn't it. There is a reason why you don't have many friends, and the ones you do have you abuse constantly.

--- Boy, with a friend like you, Jerry and Kaylee don't need enemies.

- Why the hell would someone tell her that. It is not really her personal life, more mine. RICK!

-- HEY ! how do you know he doesnt have many friends. You do not fucking know us... how the fuck would you know that he abuses his friends ? huh?

--- You know what racer x.... Rick is a great friend. So shut the hell up.
by Jerry
- Why the hell would someone tell her that. It is not really her personal life, more mine. RICK!

First thing to learn about relationships, it is both of your personal lives. Besides, don't you remember Rick saying something like There might be some "questionable" post laying around that we might want to clean up. Even he knew what you are doing wouldn't go over that good with Kaylee. As to the why, right now you guys haven't been screwing with anyone, so that's not really a problem. But if you start acting childish again and getting on peoples bad sides... yes I could see someone causing you guys problems.

-- HEY ! how do you know he doesnt have many friends. You do not fucking know us... how the fuck would you know that he abuses his friends ? huh?

First, you guys post a ton of personal stuff about yourselves in a public forum, and you guys have talked about the fact that Rick doesn't have many friends (not that it is surprising in the least). As for the abuse, he does it to you constantly... in front of everyone here. What would you call a guy who, even though he can't get (or at least keep) a girlfriend, who berates someone else who is happy with his a girlfriend? He told you that you didn't deserve her, what a friend he must be.

--- You know what racer x.... Rick is a great friend. So shut the hell up.

I've seen you guys interact for quite sometime. If you think Rick is a "great friend", then you have some major self-esteem issues to work out. I wouldn't give the time-of-day to anyone who treated me the way Rick treats you. Real friends don't hurt their friends.

You are young, so none of this is going to make a difference anyway, but at least I gave you the chance to help yourselves. You could have taken my advice and went back and edited your posts, but your great friend decided to give direction for anyone else wanting that information.

So Jerry, simple question here: Why is it that you guys have not taken my advise? I mean I have shown you, to a degree, what can be done... but that wasn't enough? I have told you how to fix the problem, but you let your great friend make it worse? You guys said you were smart... but you really don't seem to be the sharpest of people to me.

I feel more and more sorry for you guys with every new post you guys write. I've heard about people who had really bad high school experiences... I just never thought I would meet any of them. Lets just hope that you guys grow out of this.
hmmm.... a great question comes to mind right about now.
I spend about 6 hours trying to troubleshoot with a program running on XP that had permission problems, in the end I couldnt find a way to make the program run in any mode except admin mode. So I asked my boss, when is enough enough ? At what point do we draw the line at trying to help someone ?

Same applies here. Ed and Racer have spent many hours interacting with you two kids trying to make better people out of you, but both of you become even more childish when they give you more attention.

Personally I would have given up a long time ago on you two.

Why dont you for all our sakes just grow up ?

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
-Personally I would have given up a long time ago on you two.

--Why dont you for all our sakes just grow up ?

- Really... so why don't you stay out of this stupid thread?

-- fuck fuck fuck fuck no. I do not want to grow up. f that.

Racer... Rick just acts like a butt munch on this forum... but not outside of this.
Nummi its not about me, or anyone else staying out of this thread. If thread were your own, if you paid for teh web space and what not, then fine, its your property. But you are not, The admin pays for teh space, and he provides this space free of charge to all of us to talk about mac stuff and to a smaller degree socialize, mostly with people we dont know.

This board is not here to be your personal IM

Just grow up already.
Well, Its a good thing I read this soon, while the agruement is still fresh, just so I could say... FUCK OFF!

Do you think it is possible that everything I say is not serious. I mean holy shit. You think Im some kind of a prick. Sure, sometimes, like now, but that mostly because you are sticking your nose where it doesnt belong.

Grow up? Sure, did it along time ago. But since you are stuck on talking to me like I am an asshole, fine, Ill act like one. I am perfectly fine everywhere else but here. You guys just want to come and share you knowledge that you think we need.

YOU DONT KNOW ME! Dont act like you do. If you don't like what we talk about why come look for us? If you want to give up on us then do. You think just because you are older you are smarter, you think you need to force your morals on us. Wrong again.

Just for your information, no ones cares what we say about our personal lives. If someone goes and emails Kaylee about what goes on here, fine. There is nothing that could hurt anyone here. We said nothing bad... and that is besides the point. No one at our school gives a flying fuck about computers. And the ones that do would not give a shit about what we talk about. Especially MACS, so why would they even be here?

If you guys want to socialize thats fine. But dont force judgement on us. You can kiss my ass for all that I care.

Have a good day!
Originally posted by Jerry
Racer... Rick just acts like a butt munch on this forum... but not outside of this.

Why? So what difference does it make if he treats you badly here or at school? You have a kid here who is angry at the world for some strange reason (why else come to a place and make a complete jerk of yourself in front of complete strangers), and then you get some measure of happiness and he lays into you. Rich has crossed bounds with you and Kaylee that I could never have done (even if I didn't like you), and he is supposed to be your friend.

Originally posted by Rick
Do you think it is possible that everything I say is not serious. I mean holy shit. You think Im some kind of a prick. Sure, sometimes, like now, but that mostly because you are sticking your nose where it doesnt belong.

Serious or not, when you posted directions for others to mess with Jerry and Kaylee, any respect I had for you was wiped out. If you are bent on making your life unhappy... fine. But you would think that as a friend you would not continually try to bring down Jerry's.
"When I posted directions for others to mess with Jerry and Kaylee"????

What are you talking about? When have I ever told any one to "mess" with Jerry and Kaylee? Well, maybe make fun of Jerry, but never with Kaylee. She has never been insulted or talked bad about in any serious way ever. I would encourage you to try to prove other wise, you wont be able to. Insulting Jerry is nothing new. We do that all the time, we both know that we are just joking around. I have never truly insulted him anyways. Calling each other silly names is nothing to go crazy over. You sir, need to lightnen up.

Again, I feel that I need to remind you that you are wasting your breath, not to mention my time and possibly yours... unless you are normally this boring and "anal" about everything. All of this nonsense you are taking to extreme.

I really dont think most of this is focused towards Jerry, but more towards me. You can come out and say it. You dont like me, and thats fine with me. I dont like you either. You cant make me talk to my friends differently. When I say something, they know how I say it and what I mean by it. They dont analyze everything and then tell me that I am insulting them. I dont insult my friends, unless they really really do something stupid. (Ask Jerry what a gem is;) :D ) Another inside joke... please dont verbally abuse me for it.

So.... to end this nonsense and get back to the way things were on the "LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"....(note the name, can you answer me why we would talk seriously in here)..... Who is our next guest? We had some really rude ones recently and we need to get this back in full swing again.

I hope everyone out there listening is having a good day and had a good weekend. Until then, this is your host LTM, saying goodnight.:D
posted by little Ricky
I would encourage you to try to prove other wise, you wont be able to.

Do you really want me to prove otherwise? I say nothing I can't back up, you should at least know this about me by now.

As for the directions for someone to mess with Jerry and Kaylee, I suggested that you guys remove her name from your posts before some else figured out that her e-mail address was on your schools web site... but instead you told anyone who reads this stuff where her e-mail address was.

Being the angry little boy who was soooo upset by a joke, I know you are not going to take my advice here... but how about I show you guys just how bad it could be. Seeing as you guys only seem to learn by example, would you like me to show you just what can be done? If both you and Jerry agree, I'll take it to the next step that I was worried that others might try if they had the same information. But only if both of you agree, and only if both of you are willing to accept the consequences.

If you don't agree, then do yourselves a favor and go back an edit your posts. Maybe then you can see just how much information you guys have given on this site. And by the way, sorry that you didn't get that job at Kirtland Hills Country Club, Rick. I hope it wasn't because anyone who wanted could have called and made sure that you didn't get the position.

I really dont think most of this is focused towards Jerry, but more towards me.

Yes, that must be it, because the world revolves around you and no one else. This actually is a good example of just how much you think of Jerry, because none of this could possibly be about him, could it?

And little Ricky, please remember that you are the person who is mad here, not me (why would I be mad at someone who includes sexual overtones in their private messages to me =) ).
Just shut the fuck up. Now I am not going to get my work done in Graphic Pub. because I had to read all the shit you guys a writing. shut up.