I'll sound again like the usual anti-M$ but what the heck:
I don't care about Office anymore and I'm trying my best to convince my customers, friends, et al to not use ANY M$ products... YES, even in the Wintel/Amd side of the computing world... So, far I'm in a very good point:
Most of my friends are using some version of Linux, bought a Mac with NO M$ products installed and the poor souls who insist on keep on using Windows, they use other applications instead of the usual Messenger, Office, IE, WMP combo
As for other companies that I co-operate with, I let them know that for them in order to exchange data with me I want their documents to be in a NON-M$ Office formats... And you know what? So, far so good!
Go ahead and give it a try! Use the alternatives and convince others to do so! M$ is not the end all, be all... And while M$ Office has some amazing features over the alternatives, 90% of those features, if not more, aren't needed by even the "advanced" users out there...
The funny part is that the MOST requested feature of the M$ Office from my customers, friends, et al, that they cannot find in the alternatives or it isn't that good in those solutions, is the Clip Art gallery + WordArt combo!!!
Come on! Let everyone know this:
Alternatives exist that CAN replace most of what M$ products can/will offer to them!