Mac OS X 10.3.9 Update: Top or Flop?

If you updated to 10.3.9, did you encounter critical errors?

  • No. Everything was fine (besides maybe one or the other Safari-plugin issue). Good!

  • Yes. It was really bad. (Don't choose this if it was Safari-plugins related. Explain the errors.)

  • Did not install the update. I just want to view the results.

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Those of you with the Safari issue .. remove Acidsearch if you have that, or update it to 0.4 which is compatible with Safari 1.3. If you have AcidSearch, the older version is most likely to have caused the hassle.
Also, Pithhelmet ( or ANY other software that interacts with Safari, and was added by you, could give some hints of what is the incompatibility. Check the crash logs to see what makes them crash.
And if it's something ELSE than AcidSearch maybe identifying it will help the others :)
Hi guys, i installed the update... after that on pc running xp can't connect to my Mac... i can connect to the pc...
I try it all... reconfigure the network, turn off fiklesharing and turn on again... switch off the sharepoints, but nothing work...

i will still trying...

any idea?

im sure it's the 10.3.9... apple said: "new features in pc/mac connect" or something like...

cheers, J!
Ok, did the upgrade, the new version of PithHelmet (2.3.1) is ok, while i had to remove Acid Search, which, either with the newest version, was causing Safari to crash... the same problem happened on my girlfriend's 15" PB, but now it's solved... but the speed boost of Safari is really impressive...
absolutely no problems here on my powerbook 1.5 15". I did a permission repair before and after 10.3.9 from softwaqre update and im sailing sweet.
Gees, I sure am glad I didn't see this thread before updating my PowerBook :P.

Everything is great here, and on my G3 iMac. I had a number of permissions that needed repairing, but not so many to cause a bother.

Safari is quick and hasn't slowed to a crawl ONCE yet (it used to do this about every time I opened like ten tabs).

Overall, Apple's getting better with their system updates (despite these occasional weird problems). 10.3.8 made my PowerBook roughly three times quicker (so it seemed) and 10.3.9 has certainly not been anything but good.
The update went well on my old G3 iMac DV, downloaded the stand alone Combo update and have no problems, this morning though my B&W G3 auto updated with the 10.3.9 from the Software Update window; on reboot it just sits forever "Waiting for Auto directory binding" at the final stages of log in. Nothing I do will spur it on.

I don't even remember seeing this message before now, it's not part of the iMacs boot process. It can be logged into via ethernet so I guess I'm not completely frustrated, I'll try and repair via the O/S disks or reinstall later. Not best pleased! ;-)

*knocks on wood*
No problems so far in just working with it.

I read this and other threads, so I ran the permissions repair and installed the combo update, not using the Software Update utility.
Also I have no third party Safari plugins, except the ones that got installed with the OS and Safari, also I only have software by "respectable" companies, meaning no sharewary, freeware stuff, or maybe one or two pieces of simple freeware.
So I decided to try it.

Powerbook, 133GHZ, 1GIG SDRAM
juanpeist said:
Hi guys, i installed the update... after that on pc running xp can't connect to my Mac... i can connect to the pc...
I try it all... reconfigure the network, turn off fiklesharing and turn on again... switch off the sharepoints, but nothing work...

i will still trying...

any idea?

im sure it's the 10.3.9... apple said: "new features in pc/mac connect" or something like...

cheers, J!

Read this MacOSXHint for a fix.
I installed with Software Update on my G4 (Sawtooth) and iBook G4 with no problems. Didn't repair permissions on either machine, either. I'll get to that sooner or later. :D

Interestingly, the only problem I had with Safari was USBOverdrive - even though the mouse driver portion was turned off, I still had to go into it and set the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) to be a middle mouse button click. I couldn't open up links in new tabs until I thought of doing that - a bit annoying.

Piper - try holding down command ( ⌘ ) V (where you would hold down the keys for a single-user boot). You didn't mention if you'd tried that or not. It'll show the console rather than the graphical stuff while it's loading, and you'll be able to see any errors or warnings that may be tripping up the boot process. Post back with anything that looks strange.
With Tiger so close, I saw no reason at all to run this update… especially considering Apple's horrible track record with these minor updates!
I know this suggestion will seem not only too-little-too-late but also a bit snide, but here goes.

Since OS X first came out I've been told to never download the latest update, only the one BEFORE it. Then you can let other brave souls deal with these sorts of issues…just my two cents.

Sucks that these updates always seem to have a high price, and they appear to be benign reminders from Apple to keep up with the Jones' via "software update".

my computers blowing up and freezing every 10 minutes which it wasn't doing before the update, anybody else have this problem? my mouse and keyboard stop affecting the computer and i have to manually restart

i have a power mac silver dual g4
When I've used Disk Warrior I've never had it 'screw' up my computer. It probably changes some permissions. But when I've had problems such as these, it hasn't made things worse. It has given me a way to fix the problem without having to reinstall the system.
Just a thought, you could do an 'Archive & Reinstall', all your files would be saved, but it would reinstall the 'System folder' & a few other things, that might just fix your problems.

Paul Fletcher
dual 1.8ghz g5
upgraded to 10.3.9 and now classic won't fully load. it gets to the last 1/4" of the loading bar and just hangs.

did the good ole' repair disk permissions a few times and reinstalled classic, same deal.

any suggestions?
Problem:Installed 10.3.9 update. Cannot access the hard drive or folders on the desktop. Cannot access items from the GO menu. Can use find to get to folders on the hard drive, such as Utilities.
Specifics: Double click hard drive icon, dialog box to attach to a network server opens requesting username and password. Supplying the correct username and password for that server and clicking connect causes the pinwheel to spin. Choosing an item from the go menu, like utilities, causes a blank dialog box to appear.
Solution attempts: Pepair permissions. Rebuild index.
My company just had all 3 of our test systems fail to reboot after installing this update. Each system is configured slightly different from the other to reflect our 3 system build types in house. Similarities between the three are: multi-user environment with an administrator and a user with limited access to applications; updated from 10.3.8 with all other updates current; Adobe CS, Firefox, Office X.1.6, FileMaker Pro 6.4, and Apple Remote Desktop 2 installed; at least 512MB of RAM; purchased within the last 6 months but range from an iBook, eMac, and a G5.
The system that can't access the hard drive, folders on the desktop, or items from the GO menu also has Adobe CS installed. It is a G4 with 1.5 GB RAM, had OS 10.3.8, Quark Xpress 6.5 and FontAgent Pro 3.
Installed 10.3.9, everything works fine except that my iMac won't now shut down! Everything seems to turn off except the fan which, after a few seconds, decides to turn into a gale. Only option is to hold the power button down.
Installed on G4 500Mhz (768RAM) - 10.3.9 knackered Apple Remote Desktop 2.1, just wouldnt start (even after repairing permissions etc) - reinstalled it; still takes several minutes to launch window but working now.
Installed on B+W G3 running Quark 6 - no problems found yet but it hasn't really been used since.
Installed on 2 G4s running InDesign, seem ok.

I've only just got my people into using Safari rather IE, and I've got designers and deadlines - I'm tempted to wait for Tiger.

Is there any chance that parts of this update prepare the machine for Tiger in some way, as in; would it be safer to upgrade from 10.3.8 to 10.4 or from 10.3.9 to 10.4?