Mac OS X 10.4.7 released.

The usual recommended approach to updating is to download the "combo" updater (PPC or Intel) from Apple's web site rather than use Software Update. There's a lower risk of something going wrong this way.

I'm downloading the update now.
We've had a lot of discussion about using combo updaters instead of delta updaters. We've had polls about this as well, and basically, it's like this:

Delta updaters: Some users have problems.
Combo updaters: Next to no issues.

And then delta updater users fix their problems by using the combo updaters. So... Go figure. I think it's just not worth it to go with deltas. Sure: There are probably a lot of users without any problems using the deltas, but if the reports point to there being more problems on the deltas... Why bother.
Scary update. Two restarts and a very long blue screen of death after the "Starting OSX" and before the finder appears...
Combo update. Extra-long gray screen with Apple logo (startup scripts running?). Didn't get impatient. Finally booted all the way.

No problems, as usual. And no, I've never had a single problem with Delta updaters, either, but I download the combo updates manually so I can go straight from 10.4 to 10.4.7 if I ever need to (reinstall, etc.), so I usually use the combos to do my incremental updates as well.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Combo update. Extra-long gray screen with Apple logo (startup scripts running?). Didn't get impatient. Finally booted all the way.

I had a long gray screen as well, except I rebooted. I let it sit for over five minutes and nothing was happening, no drive chatter or anything... just a chirping power supply. Booted fine after restart though >_<
Did the combo update, restarted twice, took a while to start up but other than that no problems.
HateEternal said:
I had a long gray screen as well, except I rebooted. I let it sit for over five minutes and nothing was happening, no drive chatter or anything... just a chirping power supply. Booted fine after restart though >_<
Yeah, mine didn't have any hard drive activity, and it took just around 10 minutes, maybe a little less. But it did finally boot -- I didn't need it at the time, so I was willing to let it set there for an hour or more in case it was doing something... apparently it was!


To those that had a double-restart with this particular update: were you upgrading from 10.4.6 to 10.4.7, or were you upgrading from a previous version? Also, Intel- or PPC-based Macintosh?

The 10.4.6 update has a double-restart thing it does -- it's perfectly normal. If you were upgrading from something earlier than 10.4.6, then I would reckon that 10.4.7 did whatever was done in the 10.4.6 update causing the double-restart because 10.4.6 wasn't installed yet.
Double restart from 10.4.6 to 10.4.7 using Combo PPC, no long delay in the grey screen startup, all is well on Mums MacMini 1.42ghz, just have to get home in a few days and install on my eMac and see what the results are like
Just updated to 10.4.7 from 10.4.6 via the Delta updater (Software Update). Only one reboot that took 8 Mins 15 seconds.

Safari seems much slower. But that my be my broadband (although it should be 8 Meg) or it my be the latest version of Saft.
In regard to ElDiabloConCaca's post, I used the combo updater from 10.4.6 -> 10.4.7 on a PowerPC machine. I had a very long wait on the white screen with Apple logo, and then again on the blue screen with the other loading dialog.

Once I got into Mac OS X, Safari had a few problems displaying some Flash content on my site's chat, but it's since fixed itself.
garymum4d: disable Saft to test. I've only heard Safari being faster in 10.4.7 so far.
Updated through Software Update. Booted fine, no delays. No noticable difference in performance.

I do not have filevault on ... could this influence the updates?