.Mac Petition


Apple Avid
Spread it to your Mac friends, we are not Microsoft customers! We notice when you pass on an upgrade, don't expect us to pay for it...

.Mac is good but at its current price point it is a RIPOFF


To:_ Apple Computer, Mr. Steve Jobs

We, the undersigned, are signing to make sure that our voices be heard against Apple's proposed "upgrades" to the .mac service (formally known as iTools).
The services for which Apple is charging are highly overpriced and not worth it.

Virus Protection is almost unnecessary on the Mac, and McAffe is much inferior and more expensive then other Virus protection ((such as VirusBarrier from Intego software))

The Other services are not much better either, Tech Support for iTools is unnecessary as it seems that it works well, most of us Mac users don't need back up software, we can do it all through backuping our home folder (/~/) minus the library,

Our significant worry is the loss of our email address. Most of us have embraced what we feel to be the best email service around in iTools (.mac) and have distrubuted our email addresses around, we feel that by making us pay for these services .Mac is no longer useful at its price point.

What We Want: We want the price to be lowered overall for all subscribers, perhaps by 50% or more (($25 for previous iTools subscribers, $50 for brand new customers)), it should come free with every Mac purchased. We also want you to continue to make the .Mac email free. At least for those of us who already have a iTools email addresses.

Why do we want this: Because we love the Mac and see the potential in the .Mac services.

And as we were once told..."It will be free for life"

To quote a user's response after hearing the new price point for .Mac
"Hello. I'm a happy Apple customer but this latest .Mac service has me disappointed. You're charging money for email when yahoo.com email is still free, hotmail.com is still free, and others. We, Mac users, were told this would be free for life. This is an outrage."


The Undersigned

I'm not concerned about the overall price. I just want the email. I don't need anything else .mac has to offer.

I agree. I have no complaints with the overall price, and I actually intend to buy at least the first year. But I think Apple should keep e-mail free (at least a 5 MB account).

By the way, it would've been nice if we could make comments on the signatures. And it would've been nice to have made the wording of the petition a little better.

I signed it anyway, but it could've been better.
No offense, but whoever wrote it probably should have done some better proofreading. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors. It may not seem like a big deal, but little things like that make the difference on whether or not something is taken seriously. Believe me, I've worked in marketing and PR, and quality spelling and grammar in the copy is a must.

I want my evildan@mac.com email to stay free as well.

I rely on that email account everyday. In fact, case in point, I was planning on using it as a tranistion email account since I have recently decided to switch jobs.

My primary account (my work account) will be deactivated around the same time Apple has decided to deactivate my so called "free email account for life."

Thanks Apple, you could have kept the spring loaded folders, I only wanted my promised free services to continue.

.mac should be an upgraded option.
I will write a revision to this protest. As requested in another thread.

I will post it here. But since it is a revision, you will have to notify everyone that has already signed to review and except the changes.

Send out an email notification, etc.
When has Apple ever over-turned a decision at the request of it's user base?

Maybe they have but I don't seem to recall them ever doing so.

Jobs is a very stubborn man and apparently a liar? Is it true that he said iTools would be free forever? I don't use iTools but if I were as dependent on it as it sounds other users are, I would be furious.

$100 anually is outrageous for email and 100MB of online storage. Get a external 40GB FireWire HD and take it with you. You'll be money ahead in less that 2 years.

I don't know, this may be a sign that Apple is a bit hardup for cash. How did their iPhotos venture turn out? Do people actually pay and absurd amount of money to get grainy digital photos binded through Apple? I never hear about it anymore so I am assuming no.

This is going to be a big slap in the face to a lot of their newly "switched" users as well.

I can see it now. "So I payed $1000 more just to get this Apple that can do everything, and they were right, it can do everything Windows did, just for a hell of a lot more money!"

I'd love to see a Microsoft "switched back" campaign addressing something like this. :)

It would go something like this...

"Yeah, I made the switch and it was o-k for about 10 minutes. The PowerMac G4 is sure sexy other than the hairline crack across the front of the case. I called AppleCare and they said cosmetic issues are not covered, and that in my case it wasn't a flaw but a mold line. Bummer."

"Next, I spent the first half hour looking for MS Office, but couldn't find it. What gives?"

"Every PC I had ever purchased before came with a new version of MS Office, but I guess I have to pay $500 if I want to run it on my new Mac. What a crock!"

"Sure, all my Windows files and documents opened flawlessly in OS X, I just need to invest about $2000 more in software to get them to do so."

"Next I tried signing up for .mac, figuring it was like the free MSN Hotmail XP offered. My God, Apple wants $100 a year, I began to feel a sinking in my stomach."

"I promptly returned this little beast back to the Apple store for a full refund minus the $400 restocking fee."

"Finally I called Dell. Got 2.4GHz P4 with XP and MS Office Pro. They even gave me dialup for a year free and 8 email accounts with 20MB storage a piece."

"Thinking different sure turned out to be a costly investment."

"My name is Bill, and I can't stand being lied to."

i think we should point out the fact that homepage.mac.com and @mac.com email addys and iCards are Apple advertisements. they should have eliminated idisk, made homepage.mac.com sites have less space and gave the @mac.com addys less space to work with, then advertise the .mac upgrade. apple will understand its mistake soon enough. it takes the ease of use out of the digital hub if we have to purchase it separately. OS X will not operate as easily without itools built in.

but whatever. i'm not out for a free ride, i'm just lookin' out for apple. i know i'm not going to buy .mac stuff, i've got my own web host and email addresses ([plug]boi@inversiondesigns.com [/plug]) to play with. it was just pride that kept me with boi_retro@mac.com. i loved having mac.com addy. oh well.
azosx: Get a life. Just because Apple starts charging for a free service doesn't mean you have to switch platforms. And you know why .Mac is worth it? Because I don't have to lug around a FireWire drive. I don't have to make sure that the computer I'm working on has FireWire ports. I can access my documents from any computer (including Windows machines). I will get things like .Mac auto-syncing via iSync when it comes out in September (that will be awesome). Plus I get backup and virus software.

You conveniently leave out the good features and focus only on the price. Hmm.. I guess that makes you a troll, doesn't it? Oh, wait, I knew you were already.

Oh, and by the way: it's really funny how you extrapolate all those problems with a PowerMac just from the fact that Apple charges $100/year for .Mac. Does it have some magical feature that starts making non-subscribers have their Macs crash constantly?

And for the record, I believe you'd better watch out more for a company that performs outrageous illegal actions just to dominate the computer market. Yet you seem to hound Steve Jobs for one little statement. Sheesh – talk about a double standard here.

*sigh* I wish some company would make a web browser that automatically filters out statements from idiotic trolls.
he's not a troll. he's unbiased. everything he said (minus the cosmetic issue... what was that all about?) was true. the only outrage i see is charging for the email addy. if apple only made this free, i'd be happy, and so would a lot of other people.
by the way, doesn't X come with appleworks? that opens office stuff.
Originally posted by azosx

You got eMac because nobody in the education market was buying. :(

is there an article on this somewhere? i could've sworn it was because people were whining that they couldn't one. it's a great computer that fills in a market niche.
Originally posted by boi
he's not a troll. he's unbiased. everything he said (minus the cosmetic issue... what was that all about?) was true. the only outrage i see is charging for the email addy. if apple only made this free, i'd be happy, and so would a lot of other people.
by the way, doesn't X come with appleworks? that opens office stuff.

Give me a break, boi. He sees this one thing as a way to start bashing the Mac platform for things like MICROSOFT outrageously charging for their office program on the Mac. He blames Apple for that.

And by the way.. AppleWorks is $79 and can open Microsoft Office files perfectly. I think $79 is just a teensy bit less than $2000, don't you think?