Evil Dan & many others have recently complained not only about the .Mac fiasco, but also the steep Jaguar upgrade price. In a recent post, I noted that the petition re: Jaguar is poorly worded, & many have been reluctant to sign such an unprofessional document. (see
Jaguar Petition Online
I took the initiative to rewrite a draft, & after eliciting feedback from you, my Macintosh colleagues, I will try to tactfully & diplomatically approach the original writer & see if he agrees to change the wording of the Jaguar petition.
Please note: I don't expect a free upgrade. Well, read the letter below... So, will the eloquent Evil Dan & others give me some feedback? Thanks.
letter to iCEO, Steve Jobs, Apple Computer
We, the undersigned, protest Apples lack of a fair pricing structure and lack of a reasonable pricing policy for the upgrade to Mac OSX 10.2, also known as Jaguar.
While we support the need to charge the full $129. Jaguar price for those who are migrating to OS X from previous operating systems and who have Macintosh computers which are over one year old, we believe it is only reasonable and fair to expect Apple to offer significant discounts for Jaguar when the following circumstances apply:
- Macintosh computers purchased within the last 4 months
-OS X purchased within the last 4 months
- Full-price paid for OS X non-beta release
We also strongly believe that Apple should honour the Apple Software Proof-of-Purchase Coupons for this Mac OS X update, in the case of people who have recently (within the past 4 months) purchased a new Macintosh computer.
Under all the above-listed circumstances, we suggest a $25.95 upgrade price for Jaguar.
We also propose that there be a price reduction for buying Jaguar for people who have:
1) purchased Macintosh computers from 5 months to 1 year ago
2) purchased Mac OS X (but not at full-price) within 5 months to 1 year ago
3) purchased Mac OS X 10.0
In these cases, we propose a discounted price of $50.95 for 1) and 2), and a half-price discount of $65.99 for 3).
We hope you will see fit to rescind your decision regarding Jaguar pricing for the above-cited circumstances. This would help to quell the wrath of many long-time Macintosh supporters. By doing so, Apple will be perceived as a fair-minded and responsive company.
the Undersigned