Macavenger... your FTP

someone quote this. i dont know how many times i say this:
Dont ever mount a bootable image! especially the 10.1 ones
it completely screws em up

ugh not another page :D
SO once I burn it without mounting it..what can I do..should it just work right then or what? Thanks..sorry for my stupidity!!
Originally posted by WoLF
someone quote this. i dont know how many times i say this:
Dont ever mount a bootable image! especially the 10.1 ones
it completely screws em up

ugh not another page :D

Well I hate to tell you this but the first thing I did after downloading it was mount the image. Not only that but I then rooted around until I found proof it was 5G64 in an XML file of some sort (I wasn't sure since the image mounted as "OS X Installer CD", could have been 10.0.x for all I could tell!)

I then re-booted into 9.2.1 and burnt the image with Toast.

Then I installed 10.1. Worked fine.

Just because you were were whistling the star spangled banner and scratching your.. uh.. elbow when your computer crashed doesn't mean either of those things caused the crash!

There is absolutely no logical reason wht mounting a bootable image should alter that image in any way. Images are always mounted read-only anyway. There must be some other reason for the problems some people are having.

The first thing I would check is that your ftp software is set to ALWAYS download as BINARY.
Originally posted by free&unmuzzled

Well I hate to tell you this but the first thing I did after downloading it was mount the image. Not only that but I then rooted around until I found proof it was 5G64 in an XML file of some sort (I wasn't sure since the image mounted as "OS X Installer CD", could have been 10.0.x for all I could tell!)

I then re-booted into 9.2.1 and burnt the image with Toast.

Then I installed 10.1. Worked fine.


There is absolutely no logical reason wht mounting a bootable image should alter that image in any way. Images are always mounted read-only anyway. There must be some other reason for the problems some people are having.

The first thing I would check is that your ftp software is set to ALWAYS download as BINARY.

Mounting in OS9 will corrupt the image...
Mounting in OS 10 is ok
Originally posted by jimr

Mounting in OS9 will corrupt the image...
Mounting in OS 10 is ok

I did that too. I mounted it with Toast. I don't remember why. I also tried dropping it on DiskCopy in 9 I think and it didn't recognise the image type. I remember being curious about the type/creator as they were new to me. I even changed them to see if ShrinkWrap or DiskCopy could mount and convert the image. All in all I really messed around with it.
Well, Macavenger-- thanks again for bein so generous and setting up 5g64 on your FTP site. I just got it and it's running great.

I think I can finally start using X as my regular OS! :-)
i guess the ftp is swamped cus i am 13k/sec on my cable modem. 10 hr download man!!!! works ok though i guess, i mean it's free and a huge favor.
will get real cd soon i hope.

but yeah people. when you download this, open toast 5 in mac os 9, clikc and hold on the other button, choose image or the closest thing. then just drag the image to the window and click burn.
Have been downloading all day 12 Hours+ ... Hopefully I don't end up with a corrupt file.

Thanks MacAvenger for your service although I will most definitely get the 10.1 disc first thing Saturday morning.

By the way, did anybody get Quicken 2002 working? I was unable to mount the image.
for me it's gonna be over 12 hrs. i have 3 hr 30 minute left, been going already 10 hr 1 minute. that's just pathetic, but who cares, lol. i mean i care, but notten to do about it. guess you need a T3 line or an OC3 or something, lol.
Originally posted by gorkhali
By the way, did anybody get Quicken 2002 working? I was unable to mount the image.

Seems to be corrupted...ack...probably a bad copy.

Unless someone knows some magic to work upon it?

Originally posted by gorkhali
Have been downloading all day 12 Hours+ ... Hopefully I don't end up with a corrupt file.

Just finished installing 10.1. I am posting this from the new OS.
It is quite good on my ice book. Thanks again!
Originally posted by screamingFit

Seems to be corrupted...ack...probably a bad copy.

Unless someone knows some magic to work upon it?


Well, the copy on my end is good. I can mount the Quicken 2000 CD image fine in OS X and install it from the mounted image with no problems. Apparently the problem is in the transfer somewhere, as I have now received numerous reports of inability to mount the image. Anyone have any clues as to why this might be happening, and what I can do about it?

P.S. My server is now running an individual account system, as my computer was beginning to drag. Kudos to 10.1 though, my music still plays smoothly, and once an application is open, it generally works OK. It is just opening apps and web browsing are really slowing down. If you want access, contact me and I will give you the login information, probably beginning this evening as the people currently logged on finish their downloads. The login/pass will be distributed on a first come/first served basis as long as bandwith/drive usage remains reasonably low.
I would like to get in touch with you about downloading 10.1. I was almost done with the download when I got booted from your server. Thanks a bunch.
I also had a problem with quicken 2002 couldn't mount it though mabye it got corrupt when i downloaded it so i grabbed it again same thing. :(
Please... Am I late in getting this.. Can't wait till Saturday...

Getting "Login incorrect message" trying Macavenger's ftp (with music/download).

Is it blocked?

- Praj
Me too. I got half way through (damn) and it stopped. Then I tried logging in and -blocked-.

Pleeeease put OS X back up.
Due to an overload of my server, I have disabled the account information posted in this forum, and gone to handing out accounts on a request basis. be forewarned, however, that it might be a little while before I get to your request, as my server is still rather swamped, and I have already received a number of requests. I apologize for the necessity of this, but it is better than getting my server shut down due to excessive bandwidth usage, or having my hard drive die a premature death due to over-use.
Ahh, just saw your post. Thanks for the info. When you're able to, can you PLLEASE allow me access to DL the builds (last night I got soooo close to completion on one of the two DLs on your ftp and it stopped .4 MB away from completion!! (Dang) The other only made it half-way through.... what a tease. :)

Thanks again for your generosity to all of us Xers