Many claims it will bring you to veritable orgasm IF you are doing things like video rendering. Basic word processing, surfing, et cetera does not seem to matter.
Oh, man, you don't even know what you're missing.
Of course an SSD isn't going to make much of a difference in word processing -- nothing but yourself can make yourself type faster.
Surfing: exactly the same. How quickly you get from one page to another is dependent on your mousing abilities and your internet connection speed.
The things that have given me that "venerable speed orgasm" with SSD drives are the following:
- boot times: half or less of what they used to be. From power button to usable desktop in under 30 seconds. Sometimes under 20. Waking from sleep is sub-5-seconds.
- app launch times: EVERYthing launches in a single bounce, save for Photoshop and larger apps like that.
- file copy speed: oh, man.
- general responsiveness of the computer: awesome. Punchy and quick and responsive.
Seriously, upgrading to an SSD is like putting a turbocharger in your computer. It really does show you how much the CPU in your computer REALLY IS a BAMF and has just been hampered by a slow disk all this time. It's not just certain actions that are going to benefit from an SSD -- it really is the entire, computer-using experience that benefits. Not just a small segment of video editors, but the whole range of users from grandmas to power users.
I think a good analogy would be that upgrading your CPU is going to speed up processes when you're NOT using the computer: rendering, video converting, etc. An SSD is going to speed up processes when you ARE using the computer: navigating, launching, saving, copying, etc.
My MacBook Air 11" with 128GB SSD and pokey 1.6GHz dual-core Core 2 Duo beats the pants off of my quad-core, 8GB RAM Linux machine all day long in terms of usability. Now, when it comes time to start Handbraking some MKVs or what-have-you, it's quad-core all day -- but then again, it's sitting there, doing its thing, without me at the helm using it... a la my last paragraph...