Fantasy Football - sign up now!!


mac shaman
In order to join, just go to, click on the Sign Up button, choose to "Join an Existing League" and then to "Join a Custom League." Then, when prompted, enter the following information...

League ID#: 261470
Password: scottw

They will send you a confirmation with further details once you have completed the registration process.

league set for 10 players as of now. football starts in month so we need to get moving with filling up our teams and get drafting about a week before sept 1.
well, the Ransackers are in - need 8 more teams to have our 10.

welcome Ransackers!!
Blashphemy from Arden. And for comments like that, you shou;d be banned from even reading any future posts about it. :p Yes, the RandSackers are in and ready baby. Who-hoo... :D
i agree with arden, doing the baseball thing was a strech for me (even thought i some how am in first and i haven't touched a thing ^^)

and there should be a fantasy soccer!
Blah blah.

I fail to see the entertainment in football, or most sports for that matter. That's why I'm not joining; that's why I don't have Madden on my computer; that's why I don't watch "The Game."
You kicky ball pundits sound just like wintel people when you try to tell them about the quality of a Mac. :)
Randman, I think you're getting mixed up. In America at least:

Football = MacOS (fun, aesthetically pleasing)
American Football = Windows (dull, pointless)

American football is the best sport in the world. period.

i like most all sports, but football is the one i am fanatical about. i wouldn't expect non-americans to understand.

oh yea, it's the Randsackers, not the Ransackers. sorry about that.

now we have Jagw-fire as well. welcome Jagw-Fire.

we just need 7 more teams.

btw - anyone can sign up and play - you don't have to really know anything about football to play. knowing football helps, but figuring out how fantasy football works is an art all its own.
Teams or players?

I don't mind soccer, or as you non-Americans call it, football, but our version of football sucks IMO.
1 player = 1 team

so we need 7 more players to manage 7 more teams to make up a 10 team league. we actually could make it bigger if enough people were interested.
Originally posted by monktus
Randman, I think you're getting mixed up. In America at least:

Football = MacOS (fun, aesthetically pleasing)
American Football = Windows (dull, pointless)


Amen to that! .. This thread has prospects, until I found it was "that football" ... If it was such a great sport, it'd be played and appreciated, the world OVER! :P ::ha:: :D
Hmmm is the league full? I keep getting an error message after I do the IMPORTANT WARNING bit. "The league you are trying to join does not exist."
Otherwise I'll join, as football is a real good sport. Everyone tune in aug. ninth for the vikings first friendly!
Oh btw -- the url ed gives didn't work for me, delete the comma on the very end of it and you go to the correct page.
ill join, i love football, i think it depends on if you grew up with American Football or Futbol (soccer), i dont know why everyone argues over which is better, the fans (us) all do the same when their team scores and both sports are also more complicated than most opposing people think strategy wise at least ;),