Fantasy Football - sign up now!!

ok, i fixed the link - thanks for pointing that out!! if you're still having any troubles, pm me with an email addy and i'll send you a personal invite to the league that should make sure everything is working correctly.

the league is not full - there are 4 teams currently. welcome to Deuces Wild!!

i have played soccer and football. i actually quit playing football to play soccer in my youth. i enjoy both sports. in fact i enjoy most sports. i'll play any other free fantasy sport you want to organize a macosx league for except nascar racing. if anybody can find a free soccer (futball) fantasy league, i will gladly play, even though i really don't know anything about the professional players these days. this isn't about which sport is best or any of that chest beating BS, it's just about getting together members of the community for a little friendly competition and amusement. mostly amusement. :)
Only drawback to a fantasy soccer league is it's too one-sided. Say you just use EPL players. Get Ruud van Nistlerooy, Michael Owen and a good netminder like Brad Feidel or Tim Howard and you'll cruise.
Same with La Liga. Get any of the Real Madrid hosses and you're in.
I can say I have an appreciation for pro soccer the way it's played on the Continent, but it doesn't apply itself well to the fantasy format.
Now NFL football is tailor-made for fantasy sports. It's weekly, doesn't last 80 months, transactions are easy to follow and there's a general parity in competition in the league, so every fantasy team has a fair chance of success.
I'd be willing to chip in a few dollars to get a trophy of some type , maybe a small iPod stand with some engraving, which would likely cost less than $10 per owner (and that would include S&H) for the grand champion.

FYI, in one fantasy league I was in a few years , we came up with one of those small canned hams that have something like an 20-year expiration date. We taped a hand-marked sign on it that read "NFFL League Champeen" on it. Cheap, but that ham was as valued in the office as the Stanley Cup.
ok, we're stuck at 4 teams. we need more. if anyone is still having problems getting thru and joining, let me know.
Originally posted by Randman
It's weekly, doesn't last 80 months,

The SPL lasts for about 9, how long are the american leagues? :)

I might well investigate a fantasy league. Yahoo do one I think.
the nfl season is 17 weeks long. and the last 2-3 weeks are used for the playoffs in fantasy sports. since each team only plays once a week, you just need to manage your roster once a week as well. not really a big commitment of time at all.

the first thing one needs to do after signing up is make any changes in their draft order that they would like to make. i would suggest leaving them as they are if you don't know much about the nfl players. except put ahmad green on your exemption list as he may be out this season. once we have all teams in place, we have our draft and them you have players on your team. i plan to make the draft for sat. aug 30. unless we get a nice full league sooner.
arden - this isn't a sport, it's a web game. if you can find a good, free, fantasy sports game for a sport you are interested in, i'll be glad to join.

now come on people, we need a real league here. It's FREE after all!!
I hate American Football, but I was about to join anyway. Then noticed that I needed a Yahoo ID. It's late here, so I'll probably sign up in the morning (since I need to make the ID and everything). If I don't end up signing up I'll let you know, but expect to see me on there soonish! :)
welcome to the Wallbangers!!

now we have 5 teams. half way to our minimum goal!

who's next? :)
I joined, but can't come up with a team name... Mabye vikings, but that's boring! Alright, I got it...
Now we have six teams.
cool. welcome to Apple Pro Mice!!

not bad for somebody who couldn't come up with a name. ;)
You know this football debate translates well for the Aussies and Kiwi's amongst us, (I'm a pom living in NZ) and they call rugby, football too, but I must admit that in rugby they at least kick the ball with their FEET more than in American football (should be called carryball or something).

Lets call it football when you use your feet more than your hands. Of course if your name is Maradona you use your hands more than your feet – or maybe his nose. ;)


BTW fantasy football is OK too.
well, my favorite NFL team - the San Diego Chargers, has an all-pro punter named Darrien BennetT who is an ex "Australian rules football" player. He is consistently one of the longest kickers in the NFL. but i'll still agree, it should have been named better in this country as feet touching the ball has little to do with the game. but like you said, that doesn't negate the fact that fantasy football can be fun. i'm still waiting for some non-americans to join our league. last year a couple of them did quite well - advancing to the playoffs.
I've never heard of any respectable Aussie who's ever call rugby football. It's footy for Aussie Rules (which I wish I could see more of, fun game), rugby for rugby, soccer for soccer and gridiron for American football.