Fantasy Football - sign up now!!

Sorry Randman forgot about that Gaelic football ripoff the Aussies call football. Do you think that the players have a low sperm count due to those tight shorts?

Oh BTW when has an Aussie been respectable –_sorry, its the Kiwi influence rubbing off on me. ;)

I did once watch the first hour of the London Monarchs gridiron teams opening game at Wembley stadium, I'm sorry to say I was very bored and confussed and I left at half-time. Actually my girlfriend liked the players bums and I watched the cheerleaders more than the game.

Well said halfabee, even though the compromise rules series between the Irish and Australians is coming up in October....Gaelic football is one of the best field games in the world.
Explain to me in explicit detail and maybe I'll join.

You'll have to work to get me in. But if it sounds slightly interesting, then I'll consider it.
Basically the yahoo system auto draft's you a certain number of players, based on prefrences you set, and then those players make up your team. You can trade them, cut them, and sign free agents (?).
But you don't actually play any games. You get points every week when the players on your team are doing good, so if your starting quarterback and starting running back do incredibly well in their game, you will get an incredible amount of points.
Your trying to build the strongest team you can, and at the end of the season whoever has the most points wins (and I'm not sure if there is any prize for our league or not, but sometimes there are prizes!)
Man pro wrestling isn't even entertaining... Well, I guess we just got a lot of different people who watch this board. But I could go on forever about pro wrestling... I've just never liked it.
And on that note -- and Chiefs fans here? The vikings are about to get down on them. Go Vikings! I'm gonna go watch the first quarter.
Wrestling is just ridiculous, i find it laughable but still watch from time to time (not really). Im am not a Chiefs fan but i dont think that they are going to lose to the Vikings :p, I do love the Bills. Go Bills, over the Titans tonight.. even though it is only preseason ;)
Pro wrestling, like the WWE, is a big soap opera where the characters resolve their differences by playfighting. That's all there is to it. And a lot of yelling.
You forgot the ugly women arden... Rarely will any relatively good looking women dress up and fight each other on nat'l television.
and now we have 7 teams!! welcome to the Wallbangers!!

surely some more of you would like to get beat badly at fantasy football. :D

did i mention that i won last year's league? ;)
Oh, that's incentive.

Mr. K: The women of pro wrestling are usually very hot but very inflated.
ok, just a little over a week left till draft time and we currently have 7 teams. it would be real nice to have 3 more. now's the time to join if you've been putting it off. :)
and those that are already signed up should be getting their draft rankings in order so they are ready for the draft when it occurs.
Vikings - 21
Raiders - 6
Here we come baby...
Is there any way I can just set up the fantasy football league to automatically draft me all vikings?
only by going thru and handmoving them to the top of your draft order.

hint - you don't want to do this. while you obviously want to get your favorite team's stud players, you don't want to try and fill your line up with all theirs. what's the point in calling it fantasy then? be sure you get some diversity. after all, every team has an off weak. you are going to need to fill those players positions that week with someone else.