bbloke Registered Jul 1, 2005 #9,022 Physical CaptainQuark said: beer Click to expand... Hope you weren't thinking of beer goggles! (Oh, OK, you probably were thinking of pints of ale.)
Physical CaptainQuark said: beer Click to expand... Hope you weren't thinking of beer goggles! (Oh, OK, you probably were thinking of pints of ale.)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Jul 1, 2005 #9,028 alien (Which has nothing at all to do with the approx 1/2 million illegal ones in the UK)
fjdouse UNIX - Live Free or Die Jul 1, 2005 #9,029 space (Which has even LESS to do with the space we'd free up if they deported them)
Gig' Listen2BobMarley Jul 1, 2005 #9,030 predators (Which has a lot to do with the ones getting richer and couldn't care less about the many more getting poorer)
predators (Which has a lot to do with the ones getting richer and couldn't care less about the many more getting poorer)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Jul 1, 2005 #9,031 prey (Don't you think this is far more interesting than it was!?)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Jul 1, 2005 #9,033 charity (Which is what the a$$holes of the G8 need to show next week!)
Gig' Listen2BobMarley Jul 1, 2005 #9,034 empathy (which is what the same g8 morons should also deliver at least comes out of their pocket i.o. their govts ?!)
empathy (which is what the same g8 morons should also deliver at least comes out of their pocket i.o. their govts ?!)