fryke Moderator Staff member Mod Sep 7, 2008 #17,481 Mackie Messer (I guess he's called "Mac the knife" in English or something...)
michaelsanford Translator, Web Developer Sep 7, 2008 #17,489 Scrapped Princess (スクラップド・プリンセス,)
Scrapped Princess (スクラップド・プリンセス,)
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Sep 8, 2008 #17,494 band (VT, that apostrophe on "Alchemist's" in the front page is making me cringe.)
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Sep 9, 2008 #17,498 Banshee (Was that the word you were looking for? )