word association!



(Much as they hate to hear it, the Franks came from Germany :) - add to that the fact that almost all French wine is partly descended from American stock and you can really annoy the French. )
They are easily annoyed. I admire them though.

(Rhisart, I love em to bits, the Brits & French are like squabbling siblings - we moan about each other but we can't do without one another really)

(as in listing ship)

Rhisart, I love em to bits, the Brits & French are like squabbling siblings - we moan about each other but we can't do without one another really
We only moan about the French because we are jealous of them.

(Whenever I hear 'list' in reference to a ship I immediately hear Stan Rogers singing The Barrett's Privateers: "The Antelope sloop was a sickening sight, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW! / She'd a list to the port and and her sails in rags / And the cook in scuppers with the staggers and the jags".)