Macs never do this, but PC's do it all the time


Just now I was holding a scroll bar down in IE on this forum, and the pointer just mysteriously moves! The PC is a 1.8gig P4 with XP, but I notice this at least once a day on either this computer, or at home.

I've seen this happen way back in Windows 95 - why can't they just sort it out?
I would bet they have an optical mouse, and then maybe not. A hair, piece of dirt in an Apple Pro mouse can have profound effects causing the cursor to jump, or drift erratically. An irregular reflective surface is havoc too for opticals.
I have seen many Win2k computers with a regular PS2 M$ scroll mouse jump all around too. Dude, it was a Dell.

unlearnthetruth : just to peek your interest
I have crashed many a PC, be it a Win2k-unplugging ethernet cable, Win9x-haven't rebooted in the last hour, XP-disable ethernet, many others, Mac OS 9-upon boot & then a day later, OS X - March 24, 2001.
Originally posted by SCrossman
I would bet they have an optical mouse, and then maybe not. A hair, piece of dirt in an Apple Pro mouse can have profound effects causing the cursor to jump, or drift erratically. An irregular reflective surface is havoc too for opticals.
I have seen many Win2k computers with a regular PS2 M$ scroll mouse jump all around too. Dude, it was a Dell.

Nope, no optical mouse, but yes, it is a Dell! HAHA!

Hmmm, this does happen to me sometimes in Windows. I think it's when I am holding the scroll bar with the mouse and move the mouse off the scroll bar with the button still down, then move it back somewhere on the scroll bar area.
Yeah, this one's a Dell also :)

Happens on my hope PC that ain't a Dell in 2k & XP. Never seen it in a non-windows OS though :confused:

An optical mouse makes no difference at all.
It is just when you move your mouse a little distance of the scrollbar.
Then IE doesn't take the movement of your mouse for movement of the scrollbar.
It is not a bug, it just is not implemented the way it perhaps should be. (Hm, isn't that the definition of a bug?)
It happens in Opera on Windows also. I'm trying to move away from Windows completely on this PC - if there was something for Linux or OSX that reads Exchange mail, I'd no longer need it at all.

Maybe Lindows will eventually come along ;)

I haven't seen this except on wireless mouses (of course I build all my machines +my friends) and I allways use the most stable (even if it's a little behind) hardware. I was going to ask if this is Wireless (being the battery etc.) If not then have you checked for a bios update etc... or if your using a mouse other than a GENERIC mouse, you could need the newest driver +software package. (like Mouseware etc.)

You also need to put what your specs are saying you have a dell doesn't help others help you!....thats like saying I'm having freezing or finder crashes on a G3. (well which model and what software, extensions, or what did you change last etc..)

I understand your sarcasm about PC's but if set up correctly and USED correctly (like any other OS) then it will work fine.

PS . I have had to help a few MAC ONLY people (since '86), restore, reload and troubleshoot their OSX installs cause they think it's the normal Mac Os system. If there was a perfect os (even thought the Mac OS is close :0) ) There wouldn't be any of us on these boards etc....just trying to say that nothing is perfect and it usally is the USER (except is the case of your mouse). hehehehe!

Try to harp on Microsoft and not PC's please. Remember Mac's are made up of AMD, Intel, Texas Instruments, IBM, Motorola, and others.

I don't want a flame war or anything else. Just trying to help.
Originally posted by Nix-Nu-B

Try to harp on Microsoft and not PC's please. Remember Mac's are made up of AMD, Intel, Texas Instruments, IBM, Motorola, and others.

So since Macs are made of all the above, does it make them a PeeCee?
I cannot locate any AMD components in my Mac, nor Intel. Can you enlighten me where these company's parts are in our Macs?
BTW, I do think the problem is related to M$, since most PC's run M$ OSes.
As far as setting up a system correctly, a brand new Dell 4300 (actually about 3 or 4 of them) exhibited the mouse problems. There was no incorrect setup, nor was it the USER, it was me, the sys admin, noticing these problems.
All of these have the latest drivers, latest firmware, bios, Win XP, etc... the point of this thread is clear, this is something that happens on PeeCees, even on a Mac.
The CHEAP Gateway in our research lab at school does the same thing all the time, you don't even have to hold the mouse button down. It runs Windows 2000 and has a regular (non-optical) micro$oft mouse. My parent's IBM PC (Aptiva) Pentium I @ 200MHz with Windows 95 has never done this. It might be a case of cheap commodity parts inside (no pun on Intel Inside). The only thing I can think of is that there might be some problem with signal to noise ratio in the electronics with the mouse port, perhaps occasional intermittant radio frequency interferance (i.e., addition and cancellation of waves that could produce false signals). On the PC at school, the pointer on the screen moves randomly about some original, and sometimes just drifts off in some general direction on screen. Very frustrating when you're trying to get real work done. All of my Apple computers (Apple IIgs, PowerBook 520c, and B&W PowerMac) have never exhibited this behavior.
Yes , I can show you the parts ....INTEL and the big boys created PCI and AGP :0) slots which are on your Mac's mobo (instead of dead Nu-Bus etc...slots , IBM tried to make a propritary slot as well and we all know that died) also all the big boys have set and continue the ATA-100 /133 standards etc (of course mac is still using 66 version.

Hard drives, DVD Burner, CdRW's, Video Cards. Printers (when they had them). iPod's internal HD, RAM and everything else!!!!

Open up an old-world mac and look at your SCSI chip :0)

Look at the Patents for the 603-604 and some other series PPC chips ( IBM ). Remember they power their big daddy machines ( RS6000's etc).

come on .... wake up Apple doesn't make much of anything they are the Pioneers of a wonderful ..... no AWESOME OS and certain hardware Specs that come to be and continue to be, but don't think that your pretty little box on your desk is 100% made by apple.

PC's only run WinBlows = I DON'T THINK SO! Just to name 2 since I don't even want to start listing the OS's but one of the best examples is LINUX an estimated 25 Million users in 1/3 of the time that mac has an estimate 20 Million. I know it's a different market (servers and hi-end movie production)....ever compile on OSX SLOOOOOWWWWWW! with the same program on a PC running LINUX or BSD or DARWIN <- Solaris , NetBSD, on and on and on is alot FASTER!
Oh yeah I said I would list 2.... Ever heard of Netware by a company called NOVELL!

This is not meant to start a war about: my mac can use a certain photoshop filter faster than yours BLAH BLAH! It's meant to answer the question of WHERE IS THE PC PARTS?

Please don't take any of this wrong it's just the PURE AND SIMPLE truth.

Ask yourself this you drive a ford or something like a Honda etc.... GET IT! (incase you don't, Somebody always makes something and somebody always improves upon it.)

Just incase you want to start the old someone ripped someone off crap then stop using OSX since it is based on a 30 year old OS that started with AT&T (Bell Labs) which then branched to FreeBSD and on until it molded into Darwin etc. the history is to long to list. Simply everything is improved upon and made BETTER by companys like Apple.......but the truth is always the truth.

Just to show I love macs .... It's my job (by choice) taking care of (with 1 other person) 42 schools worth of macs. (although I do help the pc techs) :0)

Ti-667, 512MB - Work
G4-500, 512MB - OSX Server
iMac 400 256MB - Appleshare Server

9600 uped to g3-400 workstation
P4-1.8GHZ (winBlows for games... you know!)
p3-800 (linux workstation)
amd-500 (linux serever)
Celery 600 (testbox-Win2k Server)

I don't think, I'll be reading anymore on this article. I hope to spend more time helping and being helped with learing the OSX Environment.

Originally posted by Nix-Nu-B
PC's only run WinBlows = I DON'T THINK SO! Just to name 2 since I don't even want to start listing the OS's but one of the best examples is LINUX an estimated 25 Million users in 1/3 of the time that mac has an estimate 20 Million. I know it's a different market (servers and hi-end movie production)....ever compile on OSX SLOOOOOWWWWWW! with the same program on a PC running LINUX or BSD or DARWIN <- Solaris , NetBSD, on and on and on is alot FASTER!
Oh yeah I said I would list 2.... Ever heard of Netware by a company called NOVELL!

Here's a partial list of the OSs that will run on an Intel: .

Just incase you want to start the old someone ripped someone off crap then stop using OSX since it is based on a 30 year old OS that started with AT&T (Bell Labs) which then branched to FreeBSD and on until it molded into Darwin etc. the history is to long to list. Simply everything is improved upon and made BETTER by companys like Apple.......but the truth is always the truth.

Don't forget NeXT. :)
Originally posted by bookem
It happens in Opera on Windows also. I'm trying to move away from Windows completely on this PC - if there was something for Linux or OSX that reads Exchange mail, I'd no longer need it at all.

Maybe Lindows will eventually come along ;)

There is a program For Linux at least that will connect with the Exchange Server. I forget the name, but do a search. It's been out for quite a while now.
Originally posted by Nix-Nu-B
Yes , I can show you the parts ....INTEL
No scsi interface in my cube. I don't have a 603 or 604 PPC, except in my basement. Still cannot find the Intel parts, nor AMD. I was installing Novell when you were just getting started in school, dude… LOL
I know Apple didn't make all the parts in my Macintosh.
I enjoyed the history lesson of computers, nix-nu-b!
Originally posted by SCrossman

No scsi interface in my cube. I don't have a 603 or 604 PPC, except in my basement. Still cannot find the Intel parts, nor AMD. I was installing Novell when you were just getting started in school, dude… LOL
I know Apple didn't make all the parts in my Macintosh.
I enjoyed the history lesson of computers, nix-nu-b!

*ahem* USB *cough*

USB is Intel. Which explains why it's the worst designed port ever. In terms of the shape of the port. I'll explain later.