Yes , I can show you the parts ....INTEL and the big boys created PCI and AGP :0) slots which are on your Mac's mobo (instead of dead Nu-Bus etc...slots , IBM tried to make a propritary slot as well and we all know that died) also all the big boys have set and continue the ATA-100 /133 standards etc (of course mac is still using 66 version.
Hard drives, DVD Burner, CdRW's, Video Cards. Printers (when they had them). iPod's internal HD, RAM and everything else!!!!
Open up an old-world mac and look at your SCSI chip :0)
Look at the Patents for the 603-604 and some other series PPC chips ( IBM ). Remember they power their big daddy machines ( RS6000's etc).
come on .... wake up Apple doesn't make much of anything they are the Pioneers of a wonderful ..... no AWESOME OS and certain hardware Specs that come to be and continue to be, but don't think that your pretty little box on your desk is 100% made by apple.
PC's only run WinBlows = I DON'T THINK SO! Just to name 2 since I don't even want to start listing the OS's but one of the best examples is LINUX an estimated 25 Million users in 1/3 of the time that mac has an estimate 20 Million. I know it's a different market (servers and hi-end movie production)....ever compile on OSX SLOOOOOWWWWWW! with the same program on a PC running LINUX or BSD or DARWIN <- Solaris , NetBSD, on and on and on is alot FASTER!
Oh yeah I said I would list 2.... Ever heard of Netware by a company called NOVELL!
This is not meant to start a war about: my mac can use a certain photoshop filter faster than yours BLAH BLAH! It's meant to answer the question of WHERE IS THE PC PARTS?
Please don't take any of this wrong it's just the PURE AND SIMPLE truth.
Ask yourself this you drive a ford or something like a Honda etc.... GET IT! (incase you don't, Somebody always makes something and somebody always improves upon it.)
Just incase you want to start the old someone ripped someone off crap then stop using OSX since it is based on a 30 year old OS that started with AT&T (Bell Labs) which then branched to FreeBSD and on until it molded into Darwin etc. the history is to long to list. Simply everything is improved upon and made BETTER by companys like Apple.......but the truth is always the truth.
Just to show I love macs .... It's my job (by choice) taking care of (with 1 other person) 42 schools worth of macs. (although I do help the pc techs) :0)
Ti-667, 512MB - Work
G4-500, 512MB - OSX Server
iMac 400 256MB - Appleshare Server
9600 uped to g3-400 workstation
P4-1.8GHZ (winBlows for games... you know!)
p3-800 (linux workstation)
amd-500 (linux serever)
Celery 600 (testbox-Win2k Server)
I don't think, I'll be reading anymore on this article. I hope to spend more time helping and being helped with learing the OSX Environment.