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I'm sure Apple Copyright/Legal is investigating the matter. They don't seem to friendly to aqua stealers ;)
Originally posted by Dazzla
The site isn't down, it was a joke.

I happen to know one of the people who setup the site and he's not a Mac basher at all, he's got a mac but when he has to work on his PC he wants a little bit of mac there as well.

There are a lot of Mac users in this postition and not everyone wants to be stuck with default XP themes/apps etc.

I think all this bashing is a bit immature if you ask me.

hey Dazzla, nice 2 see u here dude! ;) (hows that iMac?! :p)
... i completely agree with u! ... these guys here are usually FAR From immature, but this time, MAN! ... U Guys need to get a grip! Just Because XP is beginning 2 look good, (as much as u'd like 2 disagree! :p) ... hehe!

...Oh, and Yea, Dazzla, i'm With Tim, and U'reself, when we talk of XP theming! ... Why Have a Crappy Luna UI, for the sake of a few DLL's and exe's? :D :D

... << Big Up 2 MacXP.Net >> ...


...Oh, and Aqua-Soft! :D:rolleyes:
NeYo - for a minute there I thought you were Herve! :eek:

(BTW - where has our European friend gone? Haven't seen him lately...)

For the record, nobody here seems to have a problem with XP's ability to be themed. But for a site to go up with no other purpose than to provide XP users with tools to make XP look like OS X, than Apple has a legitimate beef. and although yesterday's "Closing" was a hoax, you can bet that Apple's lawyers are going to hear about this sooner than later, and shut these pimps down.

Personally, I find it really pathetic that some XP users go well out of their way to theme XP to the point that it looks, and somewhat acts like OS X. But I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
If you want Aqua, buy a Mac, don't steal Apple's GUI. I don't care if you don't like the XP Luna stuff. If you don't like it, then don't use XP, or find a legal theme to replace it. That's what it comes down to. As for the OS X Luna themes, Microsoft has every right to contact the makers of the theme and demand it be removed. Although from what I've seen, Luna looks better on OS X than on XP! :p Maybe because the Mac people working on it put more effort into it than Microsoft does? :D

BTW, is a valid e-mail address to report violations to, if you feel inclined to do so.
We didn't steal nothing i am the creator of the site we did nothing aobut copyright crap. we do not steal shit, we are just in service for windows users who think it looks gay. now i know macs are better than windows infact i made that site on my imac so how u going to call me a mac hater. osx is 1000000x better than windows but over all since i'm a gamer i use my xp box. and yes luna is one gay ass skin but some people (*not I) like aqua on xp, i don't use it i just provide it for others. this site isn't doing anything wrong i just think the only problem with macs are their users. most of you are just gay 12yr that are mad that xp can get as pretty as osx so chill and that little hacking post i took aht into some other issues u will be hearing about later. we didn't shut down but we got you mac users hard. and for apple. the only thing they said was to remove the apple logo from any content so BOOOYA!

and have you all read the disclaimer its the big ass block of text! and yall need to realize we are not taking any credit for this stuff we are just doing it for the windows users so give it up!
Way to be nice. You would get your point across much better if you would simply talk properly, and not use obscenities every third word. You'll get a lot more respect.
well this is a windows user rite now we dont have to be all preppy and neat like some people so chill about grammer and stick on the subject
Originally posted by Timan
well this is a windows user rite now we dont have to be all preppy and neat like some people so chill about grammer and stick on the subject

Split Personalaty? :p

Grammar makes people neat and preppy? Wow, remind me to talk "ghetto street school house" next time I post :p :D

Who were you calling 12 year olds again?
I think you guys are giving mac users a real bad and immature reputation. Sure there are Windows users who hate and bash Macs and vice versa, but i can assure you that windows users who like to give XP an aqua feel are not the ones who hate Macs. They have nothing against Macs, they simply like the look and feel of the OS X GUI. I even think you will find that a lot of them even have Macs themselves.

I cannot understand what you guys have against Timan, who has both a Mac and a PC, and his site that was built for both MAC and PC users. He is doing no harm there, and it shows how immature some MAC users are by the rude comments you are leaving on his site.
the ones complaining about my site i see a few supporting and alot not i'm just pissed cause most of you just dont give up. apple must not care if all they said to us was to remove their logo thats it
Ok first off we were not closed but Apple, it was just a joke to see what you Mac users would say, and all I got to say is I fooled you all HARD! The site is still up and its going to be changed a tad. Instead of having icons, theme, etc, we are mainly going to be about the apps we make. Now if there is something big like the Best OS X skin or something we will post it. Well enjoy the site.

"you Mac users" ?

So, you're not a Mac user? This sounds like a pretty Windows-minded statement against Macs. I thought the Windows users who used Aqua "liked Macs." By your statements, you don't seem to.

Why not go back to English class and come back when you have an argument, or a clue? Yes, you're stealing Aqua and making it available to Windows users with Macs, and without. A lot of people don't think that should happen. You want a Mac and it's look? Buy one. Don't like XP? Don't use it.

Remember, Aqua is still Apple's property and they can shut you down anytime in the future they want. They've done it to many other Aqua skin sites, sometimes it took days, or months, but they get to them all.
Originally posted by Timan
mr. dricci i don't care if ur a 3rd grade english teacher but chill with the grammer stuff

Uh oh, you're not "stick(ing) on the subject" !

That was pretty weak defense!
Could somebody please close this thread?.... It's getting out of hand. This conversion is just stupid now. It started out as a simple curiosity, and then people started flaming...

Gatorzx2: In what way are we giving Mac users a bad personality? I have absolutely nothing against Tinman, it would just be nice if he could act a little more mature, and type is words properly so we can understand them. We don't need any more Herve's around here than we already have :)
I said "you guys are giving mac users a real bad and immature reputation", meaning the people who are flaming Timan and spaming his site. Nothing against all Mac users. I'll even be one in a couple of weeks. Just saying a few are acting imature and giving you guys a bad rap.
yall are the ones that are give mac users a bad names ur acting like 12 yr olds. the only reason i'm pissed is cause i'm getting spammed so damn much its not funny and i'm fu**** sick of it. damn yall should just chill there isnt' anything to be jelous of. just give up the fact that windows can be as pretty as osx!
I never understood why windows users hated mac users. Now I know.

First off, I own a mac, and a windows machine. I hate the default look on Windows XP so skin it to look like OS X. There is a difference between ripping off Apple and calling it your own work (Microsoft), or copying the look of OS X for personal use. Mac emulation sites do not make any money from what they do.

I have already had 5 people I know who were die hard windows lovers and mac haters, turn into mac users themselves. They have all bought a new macs with OS X on it and they are never going back to Windows.

So think about it, using the OS X look to skin Windows and other windows based applications, your actually driving windows users to macintosh. It's free promotion for Apple.

Feel free to prove me wrong at any point.
This is just ridiculous!!
I mean come on, this almost look like a Hitler world domination speach!!! So what if windows user copy the Aqua theme? Personally I don't like mac computers and prolly never will, but the theme is pretty, yeah so what, I prefer eye candy to fisher price looks! Plus, even OSx is a rewritten verion of another OS... Nobody flamed mac for basing it's next gen OS on an existing OS (Yeah sorry... forgot the name of it... but I do know the core, is UNIX) So if some people like the core of Windows but like the looks of aqua... Let them be and don't flame a website for providing other users with the ability to do so.
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