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You've proven to us that...

1) You don't understand what intellectual property is (and don't respect it)...


2) You get most of your come backs and insults from reading the bathroom stalls at school.

mac xp is gone i think i'll turn it into a forum like this but mainly for desktops and *talk about making ur windows look like osx* no files will be hosted but something simple for everyone i hope this makes all the mac users out there happier.
Originally posted by RacerX

You could try here.


"Laughing my Ass Off" Oh Golly, That was ever so funny. Timothy, "Ol' " Chap, I Don't Think its right, that you should take down your files. Why not come to mine, and have a Good Old English Cup of Tea?
Isn't it Really interesting, when us English guys Get Out our Cups of Tea, and Prawn Sandwidges. Its Ever so Posh! I'm Talking like the Queen! ... "oooooh Hello Darlings, how very nice to see you"

LOL! ... WTF? ...

Nah, its not happening, it takes me longer to type, then i have re-read the Damn thing, and its So BORING! Damn! << Yawn >>


...And i Sound Like "Herve" ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (hehe ... where is he? )
Our visitors from the other side may not understand why Mac users defend Apple to the degree that we do (even if they claim to be Mac users themselves).

In the earlier 90's I didn't think about what computer company was doing what, I wanted both the GUI of the Mac and the ability to run a mathematics program that was only written for the Mac. After that I went on my happy computing ways and really didn't think about it much.

In the mid 90's I started seeing computer companies fold and other operating systems disappear. At this same time I started to hear people say that Apple was going to be the next computer company to fall. That was when it donned on me, computers are a business and anything that hurts Apple's business hurts my choice of computing platform.

With that realization, I support Apple's rights to the innovations that keep them strong. Wanting to see a wide range of operating systems again, I support anything that can stop Microsoft from forcing people to use their products (like OEM licensing and proprietary formats). I would be very happy to see Windows with 50% market share and 20 other operating systems making up the other 50%.

But we need to be clear here, the theme/skins that we are talking about are designed to make it nicer to work on Windows rather than just moving to a Mac (and owning a 7200 doesn't make you a Mac user anymore than me owning 3 PCs makes me a Windows user). The people doing this are still buying new PCs and not new Macs (which was the purpose for creating the Aqua interface to begin with), so it is hurting Apple, and therefore it is hurting my platform of choice.

Any one spending as much time and energy trying to change the look of Windows as many of you guys are, could easily spend that same time and energy helping some alternative non-Microsoft platform get by in a Microsoft world.

If you don't like your platform of choice, choose something else. Otherwise, live with what you got (or improve it in some way), but don't hurt other platforms that you are not willing to use yourselves.
Well, THAT hurt. How is a 7200 not a Mac? My specs. It's what I use for my webpage design, Photoshop, web browsing, Avid, Final Cut, Office documents, and more.

Secondly, I use a multi-boot system on my peecee. I run Linux(Red Hat and Mandrake), BeOS and Windoze, so as you can see, I DO support the alternative OS's.

What is getting lost in this discussion are the actual Mac owners. I agree, there are alot of people just imitating Mac OS for a pretty GUI. However, there are still a select few ( yes, even those of us with 7200 machines :P ) who feel more at home with these additions. If they made them for Linux, I'd use them too.

Just because you may own a top-o-the-line, Ive's designed, G4 doesnt make you any more a Mac user than me or anyone else.


P.S. The following 'sig' is a joke, so don't take it so seriously. It's a stab at the lamers who feel it neccesary to post their phallic like specs. Apparently that is where people are getting the idea that I am a peecee user, exclusively.
Originally posted by Duckie
P.S. The following 'sig' is a joke, so don't take it so seriously. It's a stab at the lamers who feel it neccesary to post their phallic like specs. Apparently that is where people are getting the idea that I am a peecee user, exclusively.
Excuse me? I will take your above comment seriously.

I have my specs in my signature mainly to aid in any support issues. Like if I post a problem, I don't have to constantly post what I have. And if I post in a thread where it doesn't really matter, I try to remember to click off the "Show Signature" option.

Please peruse my super-macho egotistical signature below… :rolleyes:
Duckie's issue ducking
Well, THAT hurt. How is a 7200 not a Mac?...

Just because you may own a top-o-the-line, Ive's designed, G4 doesnt make you any more a Mac user than me or anyone else.

Here's the question (and like I said, I own three PCs myself), which system, your Mac or your PC do you use more? Which have you put more money in? Which would you not be willing to part with? A Mac user finds that using a Mac is more important than any other system. When you bought your current PC, why didn't you just buy a Mac? The number of operating systems I have (and know how to use) is most likely an order of magnitude greater than your collection. And yet I am first and foremost a Mac user.

And the 7220 is not a 7200 (the 7200 series was based on the PPC 601 processor), the 7200 case is base on the 7500 case design where as the 7220 is based on the 4400 case design (do you work with Macs much? :p ).
Completely off topic, but I wonder why Apple went DOWN with their numbers on their 7x00 line. They first had the 7500, which was a 100/120 or something like that. Then they had the 7600, which was a bit faster. Then they went DOWN 400 to the 7200. *confused*

Oh well, I remember when I was like eight I really wanted a 7500 cause I saw the cover of Macworld with it on it, and it looked cool :D

Back to the topic, maybe...maybe we shouldn't go back to the topic, we might hurt somebody...
Originally posted by RacerX

Here's the question (and like I said, I own three PCs myself), which system, your Mac or your PC do you use more?

The PowerMac. After learning more about Mac OS and the software available from one freind who went to Full Sail Recording School, and another who attended a film academy, I switched back to Mac from peecee because it offered rendering, editing, and capturing video in real time without so much drag on the OS. Yes, I did use peecee's for those tasks in the past, but that was 3 years ago. I know better now.

Which have you put more money in? Which would you not be willing to part with?

Answer to both, the Macs.

When you bought your current PC, why didn't you just buy a Mac?

First of all, the PC isn't my personal machine. Second, the software I needed, and the employee's knowledge of Windows, required me to buy a PC.

I will admit that I may not be as hardware proficient as many Mac users, but I do have a working knowledge of the OS. I have grown BACK in love with Macs because they offer me more for my profession. I started my career in computers on a Mac(Hence, the still working, and still usable Mac Plus) and will continue to use them.

Finally, my sig is not intended to rip on those who offer support.

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