"Male Dominated" Society?


Ministry of Re-Education
I heard this term a few times over the weekend and it promted this thread. I often hear that we live in a male dominated society, or a chauvinistic society. But I think it's not that. More like an aggression dominated society. If females were the more aggressive species, then we would live in a female dominated society.

Aggression dominates by nature, that's what it does. Our world is governed by the use of both mental and physical aggression, not compassion. Dinosaurs, for example, dominated and ruled the planet for millions of years because they were aggressive and robust in every way, not compassionate, and if they were compassionate, they died. Eat, or be eaten. Fight, or flee. Dominate, or be dominated. It's evolution, and it's still happening, and it's perfect, it's the universe's idea, and it's the only formula for life to become intelligent. Our ancient ancestors, Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal got us here thanks to aggressive genetics. How can evolution happen without aggression? It can't.

Unless you think you're going to remove aggressive genetics from society altogether, war will always exist. The fact is, you couldn't do that even if you tried because there would always be a mutation somewhere along the line, and it would spread and replicate.

I don't really even know where I'm going with this, but the natural evolutionary process of weeding out stupid and non-aggressive genetics has significantly slowed with modern man.

Did I just make an argument for the Might makes Right crowd?

Can intelliegently placed aggression(Empire) take us all to a better place?

Well, I'm sure that I've fully offended some of you... thanks for the honor.

It's becoming a female dominated society rapidly right now, I guess feminists have a lot of aggression...I'm compassionate enough to agree to an equal society, I want that, but somewhere along the lines some of these feminists forgot about equality...
I just wanted to ask one question:

When you mention "evolution" do you mean instead "natural selection"?

The reason I ask is because not only do our genetics dictate our actions but also the environment. Given the right environment, some individuals will tend to excel with their genetic abilities. I wonder now, if the environment is just one huge genetic chess match, where the environmnt in human terms (society), is created by our genetics, giving the false pretense of an independent environment selecting for certain genetic traits. Hmmm......
People need to treat others like people, not like men or women or blacks or whites or Hispanics or Asians or anything like that. Unfortunately, discrimination plays a large role in our society, and many people are too nearsighted to see the effect it has on them.

Since we have only hade white male presidents in this country, and for many more reasons, I think the US of A is a white male-dominated society. Women are gaining ground, but they don't have it yet.
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
I just wanted to ask one question:

When you mention "evolution" do you mean instead "natural selection"?
What I mean is, nobody knows the full story yet, but all our ancestors, such as homo habilis, homo ergaster, and homo rudolfensis were in competition for the same resources, they existed at the same time, and all were far more intelligent then any primate that exists now besides us. There was a niche to be filled, and only one of the species would be smart and strong enough to fill it and destroy the other race in the process.

Ever wonder why, if these species were so relatively intelligent, such as Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, and Homo Erectus don't still exist? Some people actually theorize that rudolfensis and habilis were hunted to extinction by ergaster. At any rate, I highly doubt it was lazyness or stupidity or compassion that allowed ergaster to over-run his competition and eventually run the 2 races into extinction. It had to be aggression, it's the only common factor still observable in primates.

This is natural selection as far as I know it.

Evolution is the sequence of genetic changes made to a species in order to adapt to environmental changes. Natural selection is the elimination of those species that are not strong enough to survive on their own.
Originally posted by voice-
It's becoming a female dominated society rapidly right now, I guess feminists have a lot of aggression...I'm compassionate enough to agree to an equal society, I want that, but somewhere along the lines some of these feminists forgot about equality...

OK guys - go and have a look at a music video channel for a while. Notice any difference in the way women are dressed to the way men are dressed? Wonder who that's meant to appeal to most (if in doubt, check out the 'I never wanted to buy power tools more' thread, just as a single example). Next, have a look at world leaders. Notice anything? Then how about taking a look at leaders of industry and commerce. Just coincidence, you think?
Lyra. You need to dig deeper. You're right, this world is, by far, owned and run by men, nobody's disputing that for a second. But why exactly? What are the roots?
I think the roots are AGRESSION to obtain RESOURCES for the survival of YOUR OFFSPRING. Primates have a deep sense of familial structure, in which political association is an extension. "Hey, you're a lot like me and my family, let's be buddies, let's work together for our common good".
I think society plays the biggest role; throughout history men have dominated, fought for food, built houses, what have you. And on top of that a culture or society if you will was formed, and this plays a big role in the future of an adolescent male or female. Government, religion, one ethnic culture all come in to play on determining how dominate one is in there adult years – man or female.

As far as equal ---- that’s debatable, I will say that women in general are looked at as the weaker. Legal courts, and the sympathetic tend to lean towards them more and help or side with them more than your typical male.

Oh well ……..and life goes on………..
Habilis -

That was a great opening statement! I've had some (heated) debates with friends and family about the nature of evolution; both technologically and biologically. I share your view that aggression breeds progress.

The most controversial view I hold is that war, while a horrible thing on the surface, has many great by-products. Where do you think radar, computers, rockets, and spam came from?

Progress needs competition of some sort, and wars are the ultimate catalyst. "Exceed your limits or be exterminated." Quite the motivator.

Now we have economic competition, and we have two genders. One has always fought and run the wars throughout history. The other has had very little (historically speaking) experience with such responsibilitys. It seems to me that males have the obvious advantage of being bred to lead and innovate. Testosterone is a powerful thing.

I know it's blunt to say these things, but it's also logical. I don't dare argue with logic. :)
azzgunther: thanks, your on point.

Women, unfortunately or not, will never be equal in any way. They might break out of the stigma of being looked at as baby breeders or servants of men, but for biological reasons, they will always be inferior. Their biggest biological problem is the fact that they ovulate every month and it drastically alters their brain chemistry creating irrational logic. Evolution, in this case natural selection, preferred females that were more emotional and attached to their offspring, the females that lacked emotion and didn't care or get attached to their offspring got slowly weeded out over millions of years, because if they didn't bond or care for their children, the children would be neglected and die in extreme times, and times were ALWAYS extreme back then. Hence those genes didn't get passed on.

The other biological problem they have is that their brains can't concentrate the same way a male brain can. Female brains are wired to be able to see what's going on in many different places at once, but not good at concentrating on a single points. Their minds drift. For the reason that male brains can so easily "fixate" this allows males to be geniuses so often and females to very rarely be. In fact, it's a genetic error if a female becomes a genious.

This all came about in the early days of man because we were hunter-gatherers back then, and it benefitted men to have a partner(a female) that could see the little things around them and take care of immiediate needs around the campsite, while men had to see the broader picture out on the plains, had to make decisions on when to migrate and think about the far future of his clan. The men hunted, this took incredible concentration and accuracy. Over time, during the extreme times, the men who couldn't concentrate the hardest and hit moving targets with a spear, eventually were weeded out of the gene pool. Natural selection favored the couples that worked together in this symbiotic relationship. Women that today try to break free from this relationship, are trying to be men, and that's how they will always be looked at.

See, it all makes sense now desn't it. ;)
Or...if your not into evolution and ect. simple bible stories tell ya Man were created in God's image and Women were made because God aid men should not live alone. ect ect ect.
Male and female brains indeed are hardwired very differently. The corpus collosum in women is much larger than in men, hence women's two hemispheres are linked to one another more than men's. Women use BOTH sides of the brain for language, men use one side, typically the left hemisphere for left-brain dominant (right handedness), or the right hemisphere for right-brain dominant (left handedness). Women are better at multitasking than men. Men have better spacial orientation and seem to be better at mathematics. The fact that many geniuses are men seems that certain areas of the brain that are specialized for certain functions may be much more developed perhaps because of genetics, prenatal development, congenital anomalies, environment, etc...

When I was in college, I wanted to know what I would be good at, so I went over to the Counseling Center on campus, asked to meet with a psychologist, and was tested using standardized IQ and MQ (memory quotient) tests. My MQ results confirmed what I already knew, I was primarily a visual learner and not an auditory learner. These modalities are hardwired into your brain, there is nothing that can be done to change these parameters. These parameters also can influence your personality and your way of thinking.
Originally posted by satanicpoptart
not to sound like an ass but all the women i know are far to unstable to control their own lives, much less that of a social organism.

I assume you are talking about 'women' of your own age. And as opposed to these, the 16 year old 'men' SURELY are so STABLE to CONTROL their own lives. :rolleyes:

If men are more "stable to control their lives", why there are more men that are violent to other people that women with the same violent tendency? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by habilis
Women, unfortunately or not, will never be equal in any way. They might break out of the stigma of being looked at as baby breeders or servants of men, but for biological reasons, they will always be inferior. Their biggest biological problem is the fact that they ovulate every month and it drastically alters their brain chemistry creating irrational logic. Evolution, in this case natural selection, preferred females that were more emotional and attached to their offspring, the females that lacked emotion and didn't care or get attached to their offspring got slowly weeded out over millions of years, because if they didn't bond or care for their children, the children would be neglected and die in extreme times, and times were ALWAYS extreme back then. Hence those genes didn't get passed on.

Wait, women as inferior due to those reasons? :rolleyes:

1) not all women ovulate, even when they are of the age btw 15 and 40 (without being ever pregnant or breastfeeding). I do not include in that <<< the women who are on birth control pill. Technically they don't ovulate either.

2) if the ovulation makes women "irrational" and inferior during ovulation, you have been reading too much Freud. Hint: he was a man (and his biggest discovery was that women don't have a 'little borther'). see average results of high schools and universities and compare the notes of female and male students. why in many cases female students have at least in high school better notes? because they are irrational they get better notes in science materials? because all of them do all their exams 'on the days that they are not irrational'? i exclude partly university of this comparison, as in some materials some professors i've seen teaching were extremely sexist: using the scale 0 (failed) - 5 the males got always in media 1,5 grades bigger votes. read: doing his courses as female the highest you could get was 3,5. this was not due to the subject - the other professors doing the same subject lacked this attitude.

3) the evolution preferred emotional women? do you mean the men preferred? or was this 'evolution' something that the men could not avoid. maybe the emotionalism sometimes is the 'irrational behaviour'. i feel i am something between the sexes - i understand better the male logic and get nervous of women that are overly emotional. i hate women touching me (hugging etc), including my mum. and i read the kitchy "men are from mars, women from venus" and it was a pain: i understand how the man communicates but i had hard time trying to understand how the women think. so as a banal example of what you as a man should not say (and as a woman i would .. shouldn't) are the stupid questions that are not to be answered honestly, e.g. "do you think this dress makes my butt look big?" > never answer honestly such as "yes, you look like a fat cow in it". Also the "emotionality" of women when they overly explain hoe they FEEL makes me sick. i don't want to listen to anyone's lasting and lasting emotional floods. keep your "feelings" to yourself. similrly some of them irritate me when they insist to ask how i FEEL. basically, my feeling scale is very MALE: i feel either GOOD or not. the not may be tired, depressed, preoccupied, in constant pain, or just something wrong. I'm not able to give 200 different feelings there between. thus good - ok - not. 3 'feelings'. most of the men i know are able to identify OVER 3 emotional states. d'oh!

3) "the females that lacked emotion and didn't care or get attached to their offspring got slowly weeded out over millions of years, because if they didn't bond or care for their children" - wait. the species of homo sapiens is not millions of years old yet.

4) "those genes" = overly emotional behaviour prevalent only on female members of the species and irrational behaviour during ovulation? yea, right.

5) if the fact of ovulation would make (as you say) women irrational for a ... amount of time (how long does the ovulation technically take time??? ) - those women that do lack this process lack the irrational part of the behaviour. so it's enough to resolve the "biological problem" of 'having to' ovulate each mont. 4 simple ways to do that ... keep enough low bmi, use the pill, or be pregnant, or breastfeed

6) how about the biological problem of being excited? a female can hide it. a male can't. besides a woman can both think with her brain and be excited on the same time, whereas most men i know are completely unable to use their brain (e.g. understand any spoken language) while they are having sex with anyone else than themselves.
Originally posted by habilis
The other biological problem they have is that their brains can't concentrate the same way a male brain can. Female brains are wired to be able to see what's going on in many different places at once, but not good at concentrating on a single points. Their minds drift. For the reason that male brains can so easily "fixate" this allows males to be geniuses so often and females to very rarely be. In fact, it's a genetic error if a female becomes a genious.

This all came about in the early days of man because we were hunter-gatherers back then, and it benefitted men to have a partner(a female) that could see the little things around them and take care of immiediate needs around the campsite, while men had to see the broader picture out on the plains, had to make decisions on when to migrate and think about the far future of his clan. The men hunted, this took incredible concentration and accuracy. Over time, during the extreme times, the men who couldn't concentrate the hardest and hit moving targets with a spear, eventually were weeded out of the gene pool. Natural selection favored the couples that worked together in this symbiotic relationship. Women that today try to break free from this relationship, are trying to be men, and that's how they will always be looked at.

7) a female brain is more capable of multitasking. many women are completely able to write 3 documents, have 2 phone calls, organize their or someone else's calendar and play snood on the same time. and many men can't do any more than 1 task at a time. (as a very good example, when they are having sex they are unable to notice anything else happening around them, or are unable to understand speaken languages etc). see what most works require now. you CAN'T concentrate only on ONE thing at a time.

8) i forgot .. if men die earlier at all ages .. ranging average 52 of 100 newborns being male (excluding china), .. they range 50 to 50 in age of ten, .. if women are likely to a) live longer and b) able to survive in less amount of food for longer periods and c) due to the history, having been always the dominated sex, are far more able to ADAPT to things and circumstances such as new dominations of their tribes etc ... why were the women 'less' again? add also the theorically major acpacity of co-operation ...

9) you can't take out the cultural background each individual is in. in some arab cultures where they have harems, women coexist rather peacefully (happy? i admit i have no frist hand experiences so i rather not promise too much) also sharing the same man - whereas a normal western woman would about to kill or have an "emotional breakdown" etc when she would discover her male having had other females in his life than she or his mother.

10) the hunter-gatherer example is a bit too old. if the digestion system and teeth of a human being aren't those of a carnivora but a lot like those of a gorilla for exapmle, why always these "hunting" examples? As the females even in that era were really unlikely to be constantly pregnant or breast feeding, are you perhaps trying to say that ONLY because they were female they were allowed not to participate at all on the food gathering process? well, obviously the remains of the hunter-gatherer must have be still somewhere, of course all the men i know do the grocery shopping ... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Lyra
OK guys - go and have a look at a music video channel for a while. Notice any difference in the way women are dressed to the way men are dressed? Wonder who that's meant to appeal to most (if in doubt, check out the 'I never wanted to buy power tools more' thread, just as a single example). Next, have a look at world leaders. Notice anything? Then how about taking a look at leaders of industry and commerce. Just coincidence, you think?

have a look on the italian tv, that shows all that better. women are always young, pretty, quiet, never say anything intelligent, and mostly are dressed in bikinis or sexy clothing. all men are ugly, old, and "intelligent". because these men have to seem to be intelligent, the women they choose to appear in the shows are the most chicken brained they find. :rolleyes: