play thing
Just signing up for Adobe CC but my late '08 MacBook Pro 2.4Ghz feels a bit old. It meets min req's, but I know it will struggle. I'm planning to replace it with a desktop for the extra power either a Mac-Mini i7 quad, or an iMac 21'5" i5. I'm not sure which yet.
The MBP is not ready for retirement yet, so I want to spend a small amount of money to increase performance and keep portability.
Visiting the crucial site I found RAM & SSD upgrades for less than $300:
I have questions though:
I've read conflicting reports about max RAM capacity for the late '08 2.4 MBP. Will my machine take 8gb?
Any thoughts on Crucial: reputation; pros/cons?
Any info on Crucial M500 240GB?
Forgive me if this is old ground. I've read lots of reviews online but each seems to be an advertorial.... I'd really appreciate a less-biased opinion.
The MBP is not ready for retirement yet, so I want to spend a small amount of money to increase performance and keep portability.
Visiting the crucial site I found RAM & SSD upgrades for less than $300:
I have questions though:
I've read conflicting reports about max RAM capacity for the late '08 2.4 MBP. Will my machine take 8gb?
Any thoughts on Crucial: reputation; pros/cons?
Any info on Crucial M500 240GB?
Forgive me if this is old ground. I've read lots of reviews online but each seems to be an advertorial.... I'd really appreciate a less-biased opinion.