<XP is pretty much crash-proof>
Not to be a d*ck, but that is comlete sh*t. Here at work we have 2 pcs with XPpro on them, My machine & the Bosses machine. I do a lot of heavy graphic work (Animations, Presentations, Video) and the boss uses his for autocad. I have dual procs & 2 ibmSCSI drives, 1gig2100ddr, etc... My computer crashes at LEAST TWICE A DAY. im lucky to get a full day in with no crashes. My bosses pc crashes less than mine, but it still crashes or screws up once a day. We have taken the boxes to several "specialists" in town and it all comes down to Windows XP is sh*t. Even 2000 is, though we have less problems with it. I was still crashing with 2000, just not everyday.
Now, i get home and start work on some side-jobs (similar to what i do at my fulltime job) and my mac handles everything i throw at it, plus some. i have NEVER CRASHED osX.2. i Have never had to push the "reset" button.
Fu@k windows & its joke of an os. Even my linux box doesnt crash.
Xp has a lot of dos code in it, so it could try and be compatible with older software. Xp ui is disgusting, and their apps are poorly deployed. I have not seen any application from microsoft that could be called unbeatable, let alone their os. As for MHZ, i don't think that really matters. Do you really need 3ghz to play solitaire (oh wait, we are talking about bloated microsoft apps her, so yeah, i guess you do)? Production wise, i get more done on my G4 than i do on my WinTelPC, so even though i have "faster" procs in my PC, i can work more efficiently on my "slower" G4. So why does MHZ matter?