mac shaman
Originally posted by GulGnu
I repeat: to "most people" they present the main alternative. And most people go with the PC option. I realize you yourself might not consider PC:s an option, but that does little to change the fact that "most people" will consider PC:s as a Mac alternative.
not that i didn't like jeb's answer to this, but i felt i needed to add more. why is it that pc users come here and assume we're not aware that we only have a small market share - that we're a minority? could it be because they feel as frustrated as we do in a CompUsa or other so called computer superstore where half the things we want aren't carried or even made for our macs? could it be they suddenly find themselves surrounded by people who love their macs and the only 2 lines of defense they've got are "pc's are faster and cheaper" and "i'm like most people"?
Who's the fastest and cheapest counts for something in a bar on friday nite. and even then their is often a price to be paid for choosing that route. being like "most people" also means your IQ is in the average range and so your abilities to make truly informed decisions are limited.
but then another problem is us - mac users. we tend to shorten windows' user to pc user, when in fact there are some pc users who feel as disgusted with m$ as we do. But that is only natural, because let's face it, what terminal jockeys would waste their time making comparisons like the one in the article? so when ever we see pc speed claims, we're eally talking about windows' users who feel they've got to justify their choice to be like "most people". Cause the ones who would go thru all this are most likely smart enought to know that there's more to it than that, but admiting it is hard.especially if you're still paying off your credit card for all your m$ updates of XP and office.Add in the windows version of photoshop and you've already spent more than a new mac that would have solved all those other problems besides speed.
but back to being mac users in a computer store - i used to get really mad whenever i was faced with seeing lots of peripherals for pc's at half the price of the same things for macs. but eventually i realized that anybody could make a piece of crap piece of hardware and sell it. Having a mac helps reduce the chance i'll make a poor purchase decision. it doesn't eliminate it, but it reduces it. i would really like to see a set of compatibility to peripheral devices for these computers. there's still a lot to be said for 'plug and play' vs 'plug and pray' besides just saving xmas.
but jeb, i wonder if you didn't open up a whole new door of advertising for Alienware with the observation of removing leg hairs. my GF might want one of those. It would be a whole new way to multitask