Originally posted by Jason
i have an 800mhz G4, 896mb ram, OSX 10.2.3
When i burn a cd, everything else slows to a snails pace, i can barely use proteus to talk to friends while burning a cd. I cant imagine decoding, encoding, watching dvds, listening to music, checking my email and all that at the same time.
I have a 700mhz Athlon Windows XP SP1. When i burn a cd, everything slows to a snails pace. I can barely use MSN messanger and AIM when burning a cd. I cant imagine decoding, encoding, watching dvds, listening to music, checking my email etc all at the same time.
I guess im the only one who has a computer that takes a hit in performance while doing cpu intensive tasks such as burning a cd.
on the subject of Windows having too many updates etc... Since the introduction of OSX how many total system updates have their been? Since the introduction of Win XP how many total system updates have their been?
IMO i think its pretty damned close.
I hope you are making jokes here because friend I can upload a video clip here at this very forum letting YOU people see the following:
-An iMac G3/500/512MB RAM/20GB HD/CD-RW/X.2.3 doing the following stuff at the same time...
-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Stickies, Calculator, Address Book, TextEdit, Safari downloading stuff, Chimera browsing web pages with multimedia and stuff, iTunes playing MP3, iCal publishing calendars, iPhoto, QuickTime, System Preferences, Toast burning and audio CD AND iMovie Video Editing Digital Video with effects and everything ALL AT THE SAME TIME...
Now, all you have to do is let me upload the video only to saw you what words (mine, yours doesn't matter) CANNOT reveal... The video will be shot with a DV Sony video camera with sound and everything. How long do you want it to be? Let me know... Because I cannot really say anything else about a G4/800 with loads of RAM not be able to do similar stuff... Something smells rotten here!

Did you get your G4 at an Apple Store to check it for harware failure? Once we got at our company a new Dual 1GHz which ALWAYS was crushing after some time of even remotely use... The solution? We changed the SuperDrive AND DDR RAM and everything was back to normal... Really Jason, if you cannot multitask with your Mac while burning a CD you MUST check it for problems, both in hardware and software... Here is hoping for software problems only!
As for updates please ANYONE do the following:
-Format a Mac and install OS X.2
-Install X.2.3 Combo
-Then check Software update
-You will find QuickTime, iSync, iCal, StuffIt, Airport and iPod updates (6 all and all --or I'll say 8 just in case I forgot 1 or 2)
-Format a Wintel and install XP
-Install SP1 on XP
-Then check M$ Windows Update
-You will find LOADS of updates (too many to describe here) and you know what? The Windows Update is even worse on a Windows 2000 box with Service Pack 3!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn close I here you say? Yes if you wanted to describe the updates condition for Windows XP and 2000 platform... Or simply you wanted to make a joke and a very good one I'm telling you