Futuristic Robotic Cat
Originally posted by solrac
Yes, Apple makes much higher margins selling Jaguar than ANY hardware they'll ever make.
Now that Jaguar is done, and on store shelves, apple's profit margin is like 99.99999999999%. That's the beauty of software. (The only overhead is packing / printing / boxes.)
So once apple has more computers out there, they will start to make more money on software, than hardware.
But today, they are still a hardware company mainly.
That is why microsoft is bigger and richer than apple. Microsoft = software. Apple = hardware.
Microsoft sells software to everyone that bought a computer from dell, compaq, gateway, etc, and they don't even sell any hardware. They just make pure profits.
I think your argument is essentially true, but a little simplistic. Software does lend itself to have a higher profit margin, but in your descriptions, you left out developmental and licensing costs. When NeXTSTEP for Intel was released, it was prohibitively expensive as a consumer OS because NeXT had to pay royalties for Display PostScript, BSD, etc. Also, because NeXTSTEP had a relatively small market, they had to jack up their prices to recoup the developmental cost.
So Windows and other commercial OS's do cost money to develop and test, so usually it takes a bit of time for the costs to be recouped. So it's not like all software can have a 99.99999% profit margin right out of the bat! It also depends on how big your market is.
I think MS's ingenuity (or evilness), is that they charge hardware manufacturers a Windows tax. All the Windows licensee (or most of them) has to pay for a copy of Windows with every PC they sell, even if the user plans to load Linux on it. Now that's what made Bill Gates the richest man on Earth.