Menu extras


In attempting to open my second (non existent?!) CD drive tray, I have put an eject and display icon on the menu bar at the top right. I did this by double-clicking "" in system/library/coreservices/menu extras. and now I can't seem to get rid of it.

On top of that, the "display" section of the System Preferences isn't working now.

How do I remove a menu extra?
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you for your patience with me... I am still in the "conversion" process (from PC to Mac). Here's hoping I never look back!
You're quite welcome!

I can only suggest one thing to ease the transition: try not to make OS X act and operate like Windows. This will lead to more frustration than anything -- just look at the posts about new Mac converts getting frustrated over the fact that Mac OS X windows don't take up the entire screen! (They're not supposed to!)

Don't try and make or expect Mac OS X work like Windows -- try to work with Mac OS X and learn the little differences and get used to them... chances are, it'll only take a short time to become accustomed to the OS.

There's a reason Mac OS X doesn't operate like Windows -- if it did, why switch at all?
As a PC & Mac user I agree with ElDiabloConCaca that new converts sometimes expect Mac OS to behave like Windows (as I did). I find Mac OS so much more versatile because of its window sizing, especially if you have a large monitor where you can display a number of programs open at the same time, with much easier easy window size adjustment (the iMac G5 20" is fabulous).

A pretty useful site is:

(Former Old Headingtonian)