messages in Mail 5.2 do not load

It's all very good. I believe I even got back all the email that was "lost" during that weird Rebuild.

I have new skills now. Thanks!
Ooooooookay - I knew it was too good to last.

So it happened again today - that weird "old emails in certain mailboxes not loading" thing. But I thought 'no problem', right? Because the solution posted here worked before?

I trashed the Envelope Index files, restarted Mail, imported the mailboxes like last time, but this time the mailboxes that weren't loading came back with all mail older than today deleted. Not a pleasant surprise.

I repeated the process. Same result.

Is there a another trick up your sleeve, DeltaMac?
You do have a current backup now, don't you?

Did you try rebuilding your mailboxes? You can do that from within the Mail program, under the Mailbox menu/Rebuild.
Click on each Inbox, click the Rebuild command, for each Inbox, in turn. If you have a lot of mail, the rebuild can take quite a long time - anywhere from 2 minutes, to 2 hours or longer. You can check if the rebuild is done, from the Window menu/Activity. If that Activity window is blank, then the rebuild is complete.
Yeah, you'd think that I would have backed up that stuff after that other close call, wouldn't you? Yeah, that's what a smart person would have done., I didn't do that.

And the rebuild didn't change anything.


I think my laziness is built upon two decades of complacency. Nothing Mac has ever done this to me before. I'm eager to learn why this, and why now?

I just found a Mail backup from the day after you helped me the last time! I had no recollection of doing that! Go me!

So yes, I do have a backup. But that backup was from 5/30, so it wouldn't have anything for the last two weeks, including the emails the damaged mailboxes have in them now.
Importing the old INBOX seems to have helped recover most of the lost mail: everything except mail from the 2 week period between the latest backup and the latest f**kup.

Any clue what could be causing these random and now obviously recurring problems? I can't go on with Mail acting like a time bomb.
Several things can affect Mail:

1. Old Mail plugins messing with a new OS X update.

2. Email server change that you are no aware of or the email server techs decided to do without consulting users.

3. You let your INBOX size to get WAY TO BIG and the server account is almost maxed off for your account.

Now in OS X of email there are two (three if you included Microsoft domain Exchange), P.O.P & IMAP.So in OS X Mail there are folders you save email in the section 'On My Mac'. This is were you can make folders that are local to your Mac to drag email from the Inbox to your Mac (DetaMac posted how to get to the folders without Mail).

My post earlier about 'connection doctor' is an old part of Mail so you as a user can see the steps Mail is doing to talk to your email server. It will help you, as a user, track down email server connection problems.

Now you heard about "optimizing" Mail so a cleaver Mac user made SpeedMail that will 'reindex' saved email by 'vacuuming' (archiving in Windows terms) saved email. One warning though about 'vacuuming Mail' IMHO don't have an email setting in your INBOX when using it. If the email is still not on the server, the INBOX email might disappear during the vacuum.

Lastly while IMHO a user will need to 'Vacuum' their OS X Mail about once a year especially if they save years and years worth of email! This goes for Exchange Users also to 'archive' about once a year in their Outlook accounts.