Originally posted by azosx
Buying one copy of OS X to install on multiple systems is not legal nor supported by Apple. Apple has just choosen not to incorperate any type of safe guard against this with their retail version. Apple does have a feature however that will not allow OS 9 or X install CDs that ships with their Macs to be installed on other Macs. Damn that Apple, they are surely the devil because of this.
Your whole Nazi comparison is rather silly and obviously the ideas of a mind uneducated in world history. I wont refute but I guarantee others would laugh at it.
Ok... Look Azosx and Voice this one is for you ( I didn't post earlier because a lot of things happened this week )...
"mind uneducated in world history"? Look: While US and other countries around the globe during WWII had conflicts with Germans HERE in Greece we were under Nazi's boots for MANY years so back off and quit telling me such crap! We Greeks had and still somehow have a lot of BS coming from REALLY uneducated minds in REAL history about fakced up hi-stories!
As for others laughing at me: laugh all you want and like but at least do yourselves a favor and go and buy a Mac and let me be a fool while M$ guys are the nicest and smartest people around...
"Apple does have a feature however that will not allow OS 9 or X install CDs that ships with their Macs to be installed on other Macs"? Come again? Then how to the hell I installed 10.1 in my powermac and imac? And then my cousin's 10.1.4 in my powermac and imac?
Anyways, back to M$: what I really wanted to say about the whole M$ Nazi stuff is that 90% of people who buy a Wintel PC they CANNOT make real choices because after all, everywhere around them is Windows this, Office that, Bill who? Gates this and Intel inside (your mind and wallet that is...) BS
And if one wants to buy a Linux or a Mac he cannot actually do such thing because if he buy a Linux box or a Mac he will NOT have support in any way if and when he will need it... If this is democracy and free will then I am GOD
M$ and Intel doing the right thing? In what alternate reality? They spread their seeds into people mindset and they now stand back and cut their crops BIG time!
As for buying one thing and using it for many systems is illegal: Illegal my a$$! Can you imagine if somehow what M$ (in software), RIAA (in music) et al (in general) companies, doing right now, used the same method in all their products how the world would be? Can you imagine if you went on and bought a book that you would not be able to give it to other people so that they will read it because if you would do so would be ILLEGAL? Or a t-shirt for that matter (imagine the ad: If you patch the shirt you will need to re-activate the product via the internet!) Oh, here is another one: You buy your new ten of thousands US $$$ car just to find out that in order for you to let your wife drive it you have to buy another license and NOT a driving one but a pass-code actually! Or for listening that David Bowie CD you have to buy it 5 more times because after all you family has 6 cd players (living room, parent's room, 2 kids bedrooms and of course the car). Or you buy Matrix 2 and 3 DVDs 4 times because you have 4 dvd players (iBook, living room, powermac, emac)!
Methinks that smart guy wannabies got the point and if not they are living into M$ world and not in the real one
These mafia, Nazistic, companies like M$ can kiss my nice, lovely, hairy... chest because they DO NOT own me no matter what! Illegal copying and using of their products my a$$... If someone is acting illegal it is actually them! Them: the beaches of Babylon!
Now, that I am thinking of it Star Wars story seems to me more like our lovely M$ et al story: Emperor actually could be Bill Gates and Darth Vader could be Intel!
Oh, and one other thing: If Apple at any future time decide to make their software and/or hardware copy-proof, active-siht, etc. I will quit buying their products just like I've done with M$, intel, et al and spread the word: Computers do SUCK! and then will go on and live as a farmer and fisher