monster itv cable link for 13" mac


thanks again for taking time to help me, have always found your advice invaluable and the best on the net.

i'm thinking of getting the monster itv cable so i can hook up my 13" macbook to any screen.
reviews seem to rate it as generally good and it would be extremely useful for me as i go round to mates house's fairly often and they have big screens, and showing them the latest funnies online or watching films on the mac screen is too small all too often.

my questions are these:

- what does the picture look like, is the quality worth paying the money for it?

- what do i actually see on screen, no one has info on this, will it be exactly what i have on my laptop screen, or will there be a window//program that feeds the images or audio to whatever i've got it plugged into. if so, what are the limitations? can i browse online or only watch dvds. can i flick through my iphoto library without launching a slideshow or viewer? and is the quality the same for dvds as it is for streaming (at frames per minute speed or something like that, you probably understand this better than me).

i look forward to hearing from you
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In my experience, Monster cables are high quality, and last a while. However, you'll probably get close to the same thing with a generic cable, if you can find one. You can have your powerbook mirrored onto the TV, but with a 12" screen, that will look ugly. Luckily, I believe that you can configure the TV as a second monitor, giving you a nice resolution with good picture quality if you configure it properly. A TV isn't going to be a good computer monitor, so small text may be fuzzy, but media will be fine.
I usually avoid overpriced monster cables but . . .

The monster cable is the only one that hooks up so easily. EBay for under $25 of PowerMAX
for a little more.

Macbook and TV screen adjust automatically. Not great for second Computer monitor ) (uses Svideo from macbooks DVI) but excellent for online movies from networks or itunes movie rentals. I use a bluetooth mouse and keyboard for basic navigation on sites but text as other reader pointed out is not very good, unless you have a good HDTV perhaps.
Just keep in mind that even though your TV may be much larger than your computer monitor, it probably has less resolution, so things will just look much "bigger" (as opposed to having more screen "real estate").

You may be disappointed with the resolution you get on your TV if you're expecting it to work and look like a monitor of equal size would.