Mounting WinXP drive as Read Only


I'm purchasing one of those handy eSATA external docking stations so I can access data on old Windows drives. I'm concerned about not corrupting data from the drives and wonder if there is a risk of OSX writing to them. Do I need to mount the drive manually from the terminal command line to insure they mount as read-only or is it safe just to browse the drive?

I guess I need to learn about imaging alternative OS drives now that I am using a Mac all the time. I've seen the "dd" format laid out elsewhere and never bothered to read up on how it is used. I would guess this will create an image, similiar to an ISO on my Mac desktop.

I'd appreciate any wisdom you could share. Thanks

There's no danger in letting Mac OS X mount those drives for you.

Be aware that if you're talking about NTFS-formatted drives that they will mount as read-only anyway, since Mac OS X only provides read support for NTFS drives. You can circumvent this with a little Terminal work or by installing 3rd-party NTFS drivers.