Mouse stuck


The mouse cursor on my G4 (see specs below) is frozen. The mouse I usually use is a standard apple mouse purchased about seven years ago.

I have tried another mouse (no success) and rebooted using the installation disc in the hope of a disc repair, but again no mouse cursor movement.

I am at a loss as to what to do next.
Have you tried the mouse plugged straight into the back of the machine (or another mouse that way) rather than via the keyboard? Could be a dodgy port/dodgy keyboard hub perhaps.

Can't think of any reason except the port that it wouldn't work when booted from the installation DVD (especially as you tried another mouse as well).
Do you lose the keyboard at the same time?

Does the computer stop responding? Watch the clock to see if it updates.

Do you get the mouse back if you use another USB port? Maybe, plug in to your keyboard USB port just to test...?
Did you find an answer on this topic? I have the same problem today on my iMac : the cursor of the mouse is stuck
I tried an other mouse, stuck also...
I'm on mac 10.5 and tried to reboot from the install disk but it didn't give me back the hand on my mouse
I also tried to boot on install disk 10.6