MusicMatch and Dell are pathetic...

i think the issue here with dell and musicmatch is that they are trying to mimic the strategic partnership of apple/HP by offering the services/hardware together. by doing this they have appealed to the masses that do not want to embrace the partnership of apple/HP (ignorance is their bain).

As everyone here knows, there are people out there who would just assume have nothing to do with apple (as WE would with MicroSuck!), so that leaves a gap in the digital music player/PC sales and marketing.

If anyone has been paying attention to the media advertising, it is happening with McDonalds & Hardee's: Appealing to the "other side" of the market.

Just an observation, I'm no expert...
From what I understand, the Macdonalds/Hardies thing with Sony was a flop. Anyone know anything else. It just suddenly went away...
nixgeek said:
As for Dell's machines, I think it depends where you get them from.

For example: Our school district gets bids from vendors all the time. The cheapest bidding vendor usually gets the bid to sell to the District (not always the best strategy, as you will see what I mean). Dell machines are supplied to our school district by a specific local vendor contracted by Dell to sell the machines. I've realized that there is a difference between these Dells and those you buy direct from Dell (as many people I know have). My theory is this: it seems as though Dell has given those third party vendors the "leftovers," if you will, while Dell keeps the best of the batch for their direct sales. Makes perfect sense to me.

Those that I know who have bought direct from Dell have not experienced any hardware problems to this day. However, I can't say the same for the many Dell desktops and laptops with similar failures (eerily enough) that have been purchased through an approved vendor. In our office alone, there have been many of our Dell Latitude CPt S 500 MHz Celeron laptops that have had the exact same set of keyboard failures as well as hard drive failures. It just seemed like too often a problem to be a coincidence. The screens would also go out on them as well!

Recently, we've purchased a bunch of new laptops from the Dell approved vendor, and so far, nothing has gone wrong. Of course, they are still under warranty, and we all know how that works. :p

You may be right about the Dell thing. Ours too come from a 3rd party vendor under contract, not directly from Dell. Maybe Dell needs to correct this problem as it is giving them a horribly bad name. If something breaks I can't call Dell directly, I have to call the idiots we pay for this stuff...
baggss said:
From what I understand, the Macdonalds/Hardies thing with Sony was a flop. Anyone know anything else. It just suddenly went away...

oh, i didnt know there was something with sony going on (or not). i was referring to hardee's ads bashing mcdonalds for having "little burgers" and being a restaurant for "kids", and hardee's appealing to the "adult market" with "thickburgers". i guess i didnt clarify my argument...oops!
baggss said:
You may be right about the Dell thing. Ours too come from a 3rd party vendor under contract, not directly from Dell. Maybe Dell needs to correct this problem as it is giving them a horribly bad name. If something breaks I can't call Dell directly, I have to call the idiots we pay for this stuff...

Well, I don't really blame Dell for this. I blame the school district for going with the cheaper option. This is where the addage, "You get what you pay for" falls into place.

We also deal with IBM and don't get this issue. But of course, we are dealing with the actual entity itself, which explains why we haven'nt had the same issues as with the Dell machines. Ironlically, our Dell PowerEdge servers haven't had that many failures ewither, but I believe those are also purchased through Dell directly as opposed to the client machines.

For the record, we have the same issues with the Macs we order. Our district deals with Mac Center, and for example we ordered 50 eMacs for principals involved with our EETT program. Two of them went dead. Yes, much better odds than with the Dell, but still an issue that might not have happened if we dealt directly with Apple.
baggss said:
From what I understand, the Macdonalds/Hardies thing with Sony was a flop. Anyone know anything else. It just suddenly went away...

I reluctantly ate at a McDonald's last week, and noticed the "free music download" verbage on my Big Mac burger box. Not noticeable at all -- I didn't even see Sony's name on it anywhere, although I didn't really look...

They are most definitely NOT pushing this thing as hard as they should be if they want any piece of the digital music pie.
The McDonald's promotion is with the Sony Connect music service. It's not being aggressively marketed, but its there. I have no idea as to how may free downloads were used from this service, but I do know that Sony's music service is pretty darn awful. Of course, they use their proprietary music format--ATRAC--which is playable on their proprietary "mp3" players (which don't really play mp3's!). The software itself is bad. and the market has given it an overall lukewarm response. You can trust that the vaunted imaginary "iPod killer" is not coming from Sony.
I ate at a McDonalds 2 last weekend and they had the Sony promo ad in the Window. The deal was, a free download with a BigMac meal.. Both my wife and oldest daughter had them so I went to the counter and asked for the code to get the free music. The manager told us (in a huffy way) that it was over and as we were leaving took the poster down...