Unofficial Mac Genius
Originally posted by AlanCE
A base station with keyboard, mouse, power supply, gigawire, and new Airport-II wireless networking at speeds up around 5 times the current 11mbps. The screen is LCD but it is removable and can be written on like a tablet. The screen unit has a 20GB drive built in and maybe the CD/DVD but that's all, it has to dock with the base station to get other functionality. So you end up with a tablet you can walk around the house with which you can write on (Apple's handwriting recognition was so good 5 years ago it was spooky), you can talk to it (MacInTalk is on its way back) or plug in and type to it. You can use your iPod to pull play lists off this thing, and there will be some sort of MPEG-4 hardware device to go along but I'm not sure of the details.
Keep it realistic here, please. Stick to the current product line -- new PowerMacs (G4 or G5) and new iMacs (probably flat-panel) are a shoo-in, and now it's looking like the iBooks and maybe even the PBG4 will be updated (looks like I might lose the bet