MWSF Official Thread

the *comparable* iRiver (iHP-120) is big. Even compared to the full-sized ipod. The 256 meg one you refer to is also bigger than the mini ipod, and perhaps even the other (I don't feel like converting mm to in), costs $200 for 1/16 the amount of storage the mini ipod offers. Yeah, though, better battery life, and uses a regular AA battery.
Odd. I think you have to buy iLife for the new iPhoto and you can't install Garage band w/o a DVD burner. Steve is good at not mentioning the small details. :eek: But, with student discount it's only $30.

How long after i graduate can i use my discount? ;)
hmm, another thing, the Apple. com G5 Xserve page shows a graph where a 2 Ghz Opteron gets 5.91 Gflops on Linpack and gets completely spanked by the P4:s and the G5. I couldn't find any good info on Opteron Linpack-performance but to begin with there's a 2.2 Ghz Opteron availible and I don't remember any review where the Opteron got so bad results compared to a P4. I might be wrong, linpack may be a weak point of the Opteron. Still, remembering Apples skewed gcc-compiled benchmarks for the G5-launch, it makes me a bit suspicous.

Seems like that it''s still the 130nm G5, at least there's nothing about it being manufactured on a 90nm process in the techdocs what I could see.

Nevertheless, the Xserve seems like a great server coupled with Panter Server. And easily the most goodlooking =) I'd like to see a comparison of Apples SATA-disk subsystem vs. other vendors SCSI-based system.
lionsweb said:
the *comparable* iRiver (iHP-120) is big. Even compared to the full-sized ipod. The 256 meg one you refer to is also bigger than the mini ipod, and perhaps even the other (I don't feel like converting mm to in), costs $200 for 1/16 the amount of storage the mini ipod offers. Yeah, though, better battery life, and uses a regular AA battery.

This flashbased player is slightly smaller than the mini-iPod and is recently availible with 512 MB of storage for rougly $280 (in Sweden anyway) and it has 12 hours of batterylife. The mini-ipod is really quite sweet when I think about it =))
OzBert said:
They edited the 1984 ad to have an iPod in it!!!!!

See screen shot attatched :)

I notice that too. My friend missed it though, but thinks that I am full of shit. I said, "She wearing an iPod!" He didn't believe me, but now he will.

Thanks for the screen capture.

I wonder if Apple are planning to use this ad?
dsl1 said:
Anyone know if the iPhoto/iMovie updates are going to be released for download or only with iLife? I would think you would be able to download but haven't seen it yet.

Steve Jobs announced that the iLife suite will be released on the 16th January, so I will wait until then. Personally, I can't can't see why not, it all depends on how Apple want to play it...

iPhoto and iMovie have always been a download, so you can safetly assume that it will be.
Doesnt look that way if you trust C|net.
Doh! It will probably cost 49 freakin euro in europe wich is A LOT more than 49 dollars.
I know it probably never occurred to anyone but... wouldn't be funny if 50 cent or his comrades that are called G-unit are the spokeperson for G5s? G...g...g...g...g... G5!!!
twister said:
you can't install Garage band w/o a DVD burner

That one had me worried when I read it.

Lots of you (like me) will be pleased to know you don't need a DVD burner, I couldn't see the sense in that, just a DVD drive.
lnoelstorr said:
That one had me worried when I read it.

Lots of you (like me) will be pleased to know you don't need a DVD burner, I couldn't see the sense in that, just a DVD drive.

Or, at least with the previous version, another computer with a DVD drive to network to.
This may have been posted already, If so I apologise but I do not have time to read all 15 pages of comments.

The new Mini iPods are NOT on the UK apple store. All the other new stuff is, iLife, G5 Xserve and so on, but No mini iPods!!!

Are we not good enough? after all we are still waiting for ITMS
garymum4d said:
Are we not good enough? after all we are still waiting for ITMS

Same here in Middle Earth (Singapore is near the equator, so I guess we kinda qualify for that... LOL...)... still waiting for ITMS...