UNIX - Live Free or Die
Well after a long happy relationship with my Mac mini G4 1.25, I eventually went mobile and got a 2nd hand iBook G4 800. It was a bit slower than my Mac mini, but I was generally happy and Tiger was quite snappy - all things considered. Then Apple dropped a bombshell on me, Leopard would only run on an 867MHz machine or higher. Not being on a fat salary, I was not impressed at all. What the extra 67MHz is supposed to deliver is quite beyond me and all the explanations in the world will fall on my deaf ears.
Eventually I thought to hell with it, I took out a big loan (for me) and went and bought a lovely new 'intel' MacBook from my local retailer, they did not have Leopard to give with it, so I got £5.95 off to pay for Leopard via the up-to-date programme from Apple. I was actually shocked that considering it's a Core Duo 2 do-da with 1GB RAM, double what I've been using up to now, it wasn't THAT mind blowingly fast, the spinning ball still appeared from time to time, with agonising delays. But iTunes, iMovie and the like did open quite a bit faster. But I was still on Tiger. According to what I'd read my MacBook's CPU is supposed to be 64bit and Leopard would be 64bit, it should be as good if not a bit quicker than Tiger. I thought Leopard would take full advantage of my new beastie.
So I've received my Leopard. Did the upgrade, it seemed to go ok. Failed upgrading my printer drivers, not surprising, I didn't install them with Tiger to save space.
Ok, it looks pretty. Camino runs like lightning, but I'd say that was about it. Dunno what they did to Safari, I just dont like the look of it. Blender runs like sludge, iTunes, iWork etc. etc. load slower and have lost their snappiness. My remote stopped working, after 'pairing' it, I FINALLY got it working with front row, but it does nothing in VLC and EyeTV anymore! Somehow, I've lost around 10gigs off my hard disk, leaving me with an average of 10-6GB free on my hard drive, dunno where the rest went. Not much to work with anymore. Some things look so much more polished, the buttons on Preview are simply awful, someone needs to be shot, what happened to a unified look? Did someone forget? Photoshop CS2 which ran like a pig with Rossetta on Tiger became unusable with Leopard, more cash to whip up from somewhere. All in all, I like Leopard on my lovely new MacBook, but it doesnt feel MUCH faster than Tiger on my old iBook, considering I've blown the best part of a grand, I simply expected a bit more.
Anyone else have such problems or feel just a tad dissappointed?
Eventually I thought to hell with it, I took out a big loan (for me) and went and bought a lovely new 'intel' MacBook from my local retailer, they did not have Leopard to give with it, so I got £5.95 off to pay for Leopard via the up-to-date programme from Apple. I was actually shocked that considering it's a Core Duo 2 do-da with 1GB RAM, double what I've been using up to now, it wasn't THAT mind blowingly fast, the spinning ball still appeared from time to time, with agonising delays. But iTunes, iMovie and the like did open quite a bit faster. But I was still on Tiger. According to what I'd read my MacBook's CPU is supposed to be 64bit and Leopard would be 64bit, it should be as good if not a bit quicker than Tiger. I thought Leopard would take full advantage of my new beastie.
So I've received my Leopard. Did the upgrade, it seemed to go ok. Failed upgrading my printer drivers, not surprising, I didn't install them with Tiger to save space.
Ok, it looks pretty. Camino runs like lightning, but I'd say that was about it. Dunno what they did to Safari, I just dont like the look of it. Blender runs like sludge, iTunes, iWork etc. etc. load slower and have lost their snappiness. My remote stopped working, after 'pairing' it, I FINALLY got it working with front row, but it does nothing in VLC and EyeTV anymore! Somehow, I've lost around 10gigs off my hard disk, leaving me with an average of 10-6GB free on my hard drive, dunno where the rest went. Not much to work with anymore. Some things look so much more polished, the buttons on Preview are simply awful, someone needs to be shot, what happened to a unified look? Did someone forget? Photoshop CS2 which ran like a pig with Rossetta on Tiger became unusable with Leopard, more cash to whip up from somewhere. All in all, I like Leopard on my lovely new MacBook, but it doesnt feel MUCH faster than Tiger on my old iBook, considering I've blown the best part of a grand, I simply expected a bit more.
Anyone else have such problems or feel just a tad dissappointed?