My Mac thinks it is Windows


Every time I go to download a software (e.g. Skype, Opera) the download I get ends in .exe even though I have specifically clicked on Download for MacOSX.

It's getting pretty frustrating. Any suggestions anyone?
This is very strange, can you please give some link examples? So I can try to download and check the results. Sometimes the sites are incorrect.
Do you have some sort of user-agent-faking tool installed, e.g. to make websites receive non-default HTTP-User-Agent string? maybe to make your FF pretend it's something else? This seems like the most likely cause, as they would only have the User-Agent string to determine your OS by.

Try the same downloads in Safari, and see if the problem persists.
Looks like Speed Download is messing with you.... that's not uncommon with Speed Download.
Your downloads end in .exe because the downloads (in your example) are Windows executable files, and not what you want...
Might be better if you didn't trust Speed Download to give you the right file.
Go to the download page for the software that you need, and get the Mac version from the source, not 'filtered' by some goofy download manager. is now my download site of choice.